Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Cave Point, Door County Wisconsin

Cave Point County Park, Door County
You can see the rain falling in the distance.
It's difficult to get perspective in this photo.
It was farther from the people to the water than it looks.

Note: Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge will be back next week, July 5.

We spent last weekend with our daughter and son-in-law in Green Bay and in Door County. It is the first time I've ever been to Door County, and when people are surprised by that, I tell them that we're two hours northeast of Minneapolis, two hours south of Duluth, and three hours north of Westby, so those were the directions we traveled until our daughters and their families moved back to Wisconsin. Door County is now worth the extra trek to get there, in my opinion, especially now that our daughter and son-in-law are residents of Green Bay rather than Denton, Texas and another daughter and her family live in Wausau, right on the route to Green Bay. It makes all the difference.

I took this pic of the grandkids at Monk Botanical Gardens in Wausau.

'We got to see the grandkids, spending a few hours with them before driving on to Green Bay, then the next morning got up and drove to Door County, meandering the scenic, 'New Englandesque' villages with family. It does feel very New England and yet very Wisconsin.'

 The thick red line across the state is the 4.5 hour drive from our home to Door County by way of Wausau (where one daughter lives) and Green Bay (where another daughter lives).
original map via

 Once we got to Cave Point north of Sturgeon Bay, Mr. C. zeroed in on the marker.
I know that man has read every marker in every park we've visited.
It's a joke between the kids and me. He doesn't think it's all that funny. :-)

 Ahhhh, beautiful Wisconsin

Hang on tight, Mr. C!

 I managed to talk the son-in-law back from the edge.
I didn't know that life with our daughter would be that difficult. LOL

 Stone Cairns of Door County
Cave Point

Left: Tree roots, which I was careful to avoid
Middle: DC Deli at Bailey's Harbor where we ate lunch
(followed by frozen custard at a little shop down the street)
Right: shore of Lake Michigan

 Mr. C. and our daughter,
Tall son-in-law and his short (and nice) mom
Sturgeon Bay, WI

 Left: Farmers' Market in Green Bay
Middle: Stacked Stones at Cave Point
Right: No man is an island (except for our son-in-law)

All in all, it was a great weekend. We got to see the grandkids, spending a few hours with them before driving on to Green Bay, then the next morning got up and drove to Door County, meandering the scenic, 'New Englandesque' villages with family. It does feel very New England and yet very Wisconsin. It's where I'd like to rent a holiday cottage for the entire family for the big anniversary that Mr. C. and I have coming up in a couple years. Wouldn't it be fun for the whole family to spend a weekend together there. I think so. But only in the summertime of course.

 Another red Wisconsin barn
somewhere between Green Bay and Wausau


And now, what you've all been waiting for:
Tommy and Smokey
(I looked back through several posts to see if I'd already posted this.
If I have, I'm sorry. You'll just have to see two cute, snuggly kitties again.)

Linked to Mosaic Monday
and Eileen's Saturday's Critters
and Tom's Barn Collective

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Wisconsin Farm Animals
Wisconsin Barns
Amish in Wisconsin
England Favorites
England Sacred Spaces
North Yorkshire

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Arlene G said...

Looks like the perfect place for a visit.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

What a gorgeous part of the country. Love those kitty pics too. They are so affectionate to each other!

Sandi said...


Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Wonderful, Judy! It's always worth a drive to see the kids. Great pictures - I love the flowers and you can never have too many maps. I have one of Wisconsin somewhere. Intriguing stones - it must have taken you ages to arrange them like that.

Susie said...

Judy, So glad you had time with your children. Some unusual photos. You know I love your pictures. Renting a cottage for you and your husband would be such good fun. I always like to see the cats hugging. :):) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so much beauty, I love every photo and the way those wonderful trees are sitting on rock over the water. Amazing.. hugging cats warm my heart..glad you got your kids back in the same state

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I've been enjoying the shared landscapes on IG - beautiful country. The stone that what we Canadians call an inukshuk, stone piles built by visitors although originally used as direction markers?

Heide at ApronHistory said...

How lovely you finally got to visit Door County! I have been several times as we have an Aunt there, but I haven't been to Cave Point. We usually go up for cherry picking though. Our family isn't the best at being touristy. Lol!

Cathy said...

I so love looking at your pictures. I especially love the red barn. I think it is so cool when they have the quilt squares on them.

Maggie said...

Great photos of a beautiful place! I'll add Door County to my ever-growing list of places I want to go.

Pamela Gordon said...

What a fun trip you had. Seeing and being with grandkids is the best. The photo of your son-in-law looking over that cliff freaked me out! I always get the weirdest sense of fear when I see a photo like that. lol My fear of heights is become more extreme as I age! Door County looks like a beautiful part of your world. I did a blog post today to catch up so pop over if you have time. Hugs. Pam

Marcia said...

What a nice trip and such lovely scenes.

Elizabethd said...

The stone towers are amazing. Is there a story to them?

21 Wits said...

Thanks for sharing looks like a lovely place to visit and hike around. Rich in history!

Lynne said...

Loved seeing and hearing about your
Door County travels and visit.
You are one up on me . . . I haven't been there either.
I have an "every sign reader spouse" too . . . made me smile . . .
Wisconsin has some exceptional beauty . . .
And "kitty snugglies" are precious . . . friends for life!

Dicky Bird said...

LOVE Door County - Bailey's Harbor b e U tiful! Cherry picking time is in July - another excuse to go.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Very pretty photos of your family enjoying the beautiful sights. Door Country sure looks beautiful. How nice you have your family living within a short day's drive. I really like seeing the barn quilt design in your photo. Have a nice evening, Judy. ♥

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I read the signs too. ;-)
Beautiful photos. I have only been to Door County once, so long ago, I do not remember much of it. I know we visited Egg Harbor.
xx oo

Mrs.T said...

Beautiful, Judy. I've been in Wisconsin but not Door County. Have always wanted to visit there. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos.

Vee said...

It's a beautiful corner all right! Surely Mr. C has garnered himself quite an education reading all those markers. And what is this...pick on son-in-law day? Hahahahaha...cute photos!

Creations By Cindy said...

Awe judy , what a wonderful trip . Anytime spent with grands is great . The pictures are beautiful . I'm laughing about the soninlaw on the cliff . Glad you talked him back !😂 Have a great day dear Judy . Hugs and blessings , cindy

Anonymous said...

I think I lost you when I was having Internet and computer issues in May. But, I resubscribed, so hope it is fixed.
Great photos! I love Wisconsin. It is what Illinois used to be, until Chicago corrupted it. Thank you for sharing your beauty. I appreciate it. Hugs!

Jean | said...

Judy, ohmygoodness! Be-eaut-iful photos - I *must* visit Door County one day! And I never mind seeing a photo of Tommy and Smokey that I've seen before. (Loved your "life with my daughter" joke.)

Empty Nester said...

I don't think any of us minds looking at any of your pictures. They are always beautiful and we especially love when you include some of the grands and the kitties. :) My husband is like that about those marker signs. And then he wants to talk about it. For a long time. It's probably why he's so good at Trivial Pursuit. LOL So glad y'all had such a lovely weekend.

Lea said...

Beautiful scenery! Fun with family! Cute kitties! And red barns are always good to see
Have a wonderful week-end!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love the pretty scenic views of the water and coastline. Door Country looks like a beautiful place to visit and explore. The stone cairns are neat, love the red barn and the adorable kitties snuggling. Wonderful family photos. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous views! What a wonderful trip...and your photos are excellent. I know you had a lovely time!

Terri D said...

Love your photos, always! What a great get-away you had!


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