Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Hodgepodging The Riverfront

Daughter, picking wildflowers along the riverfront
If she had been selling seashells by the seashore, I could have had a better caption.

Join Joyce and the Gang

 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!

1. Security or freedom? Can you have both? Explain.

When it comes to the USA, 'security or freedom' is like the song that never ends. But I would say that I'd rather live with more freedom than less, even if there's less security in doing so.

2. If you could visit any historical American site what would it be? Why?
The Mississippi River. Because it's huge and awesome. And not far away.

 A barge along the Mississippi River

 Ducks at Wabasha, MN
I took this a few years ago in October.
We were at that very spot yesterday, but no ducks.
We'll have to return in October. 

3. Free as a bird, free reign, be free of, free enterprise, free trip, walk away scot free, free for all...which 'free' phrase can best be applied to your life in recent days or weeks? Explain.

Not really applicable to this question, but I'll go with 'free trip,' because I spent last week with my daughter's family. Great to be with her, to be entertained by the antics of the grandkids, take walks along the Wisconsin River, and viewing the same 20 minutes of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone over and over...

 Think it would help to hold my phone the other direction?

River walk companions, always fun!

4. Something in your frig that's red? Gouda cheese (wrapper). Something in your house that's white?  My kitchen sink and my library shelves. Something in your view that's blue? Pencil box.

5. July 27th is National New Jersey Day. Have you ever visited The Garden State? If so where did you go? I went to the edge of the river to pick the wild blackberries that no one else seemed to want. Are there diners where you live?  I think there's one in Rice Lake, but I don't go there. Actually, I rarely go to even a restaurant.  Have you tried Taylor Pork Roll? I have no idea what it is. Do you like to play Monopoly? Yes, if I could find someone who likes to play it. Salt water taffy-yay or nay? Nay. How do you feel about shopping at the mall?  I hate shopping, period. Springsteen, Sinatra, or Bon Jovi-you have to pick one. I'll risk security for freedom here and say 'none of the above,' but if there's a gun to my head, I'll say Bing Crosby. :-) If there's no gun, you'll find me listening to John Rutter.

Raise your hand if you know why these add-on questions are appropriate on National NJ Day. These all originated in New Jersey - or on the Boardwalk??

 Aww. I came across this when looking for the library shelves photo.
This was a year and a half ago. Sleepy kitties!
They definitely didn't originate in New Jersey.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

 I'm forcing myself to let go of some of my books.
This is my effort to downsize, at least for this rainy day.
(photo online) 
But now I'm distracted with blog writing, a good stalling tactic.


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Have a great Wednesday!

Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning


Barbara said...

"Taylor Pork Roll" -- nobody (so far) seems to know what that is. I'll have to look it up.

Have a great day. Your grandkids are cute (as always).

Annsterw said...

Great answers!!! Looks like so much fun wit the kiddos on the riverwalk!!! Happy Wednesday!

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

I am not a cheese eater, BUT I do eat Gouda cheese. I am not a fan of salt water taffy, either.
Enjoy your day.

Empty Nester said...

I love that picture of your daughter picking wildflowers even if the caption isn't as catchy as selling seashells by the sea shore. LOL Those grands of yours! I'd love to have enough energy to dance around like that and I'd love to remember the feeling of the freedom of childhood. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Stacy said...

Your time with your family looks and sounds like it was lots of fun. I can sure relate to watching the movie over and over. I've had my littlest grandson a good bit lately and the shows on Nick Jr. and Disney Jr. are spinning in my head. Have a happy, safe, and blessed Fourth!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, cute video of the grands. I like the photo of your daughter picking wildflowers. Love the shot of the ducks. Our freedom is very important. Have a happy day!

Lynne said...

Don’t have much of a comment today but I do enjoy “Hodge Podge” Day . .
Plus I always enjoy seeing your grands . . .
I liked seeing your daughter “picking “seashells”by the seashore!”
And Smoky and Stormy are once again, the stars of the show!

Susie said...

Judy, Your pictures are wonderful. I love the one where your daughter is picking flowers. Freedom is good but comes with a price. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

red containers and red baby bel cheese in fridge. adorable dancers no matter which way you hold the phone... LOL.... that first photo of your daughter is like a painting by a master. and I wish I could pick some of those to bring in my kitchen. I drove a semi through NJ in 1984 and the people there were the rudest of all the Interstates in the 3o states I drove through. did not stop so only that time was I there. CB talk there and driving is what I remember.

Allstarme79 said...

I hate parting with books but I realize that I have to if I am not going to read them again.

Debby Ray said...

Your grands are just adorable. I'm sure you had a wonderful time visiting with your daughter and her family. And Tommy and already know how adorable they are! Have a fabulous July 4th!

NanaDiana said...

I am back in blogland! lol
It is always fun to read your answers. The kids are just adorable and I am glad you got to spend some time with your daughter.
I love the mighty Mississippi, too. That is one of the first words I taught all my grandkids to spell on car rides (with their lisp-y little lost tooth voices).
Have a great Wednesday- xo Diana

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the video. That kids are just so darn cute! We are going to start going through every inch of our house. I don't want to do it but I am so looking forward to downsizing what we have. Good luck to you.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Your grands are darling, Judy. I know you enjoyed your visit with them. I love the first photo of your daughter picking wildflowers--looks like a painting. As well as your ducks in flight and landing. Have a great summer afternoon. ♥

Terri D said...

Great photos... especially of those little ones! I don't know what a pork roll is either! LOL Have a good rest of the week!!

Vee said...

You’re such a rebel! Bing Crosby...hahahahahaha...

That photo of your daughter is a wonderful capture...a sweet moment in time...

Creations By Cindy said...

Love all the pictures Judy but that one of your daughter is absolutely beautiful. I would have to frame that. Hope you have a good rest of your week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jean | said...

Judy, I always enjoy your photos, but the photo of your daughter and the one of the ducks are exceptional. They belong on magazine covers, walls, postcards, you name it!

Wendy said...

Aww it must have been an entertaining time visiting with the Grandkids. Lovely photos. I try not to buy as many books these days but there still are lots in the house. I'm thankful for a good library system available to us.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

As always your Hodgepodge posts are a fun read but my favorite photo is the first one of your daughter !! That's just priceless :)

Jill said...

Love all your responses and that photo of your daughter picking wildflowers is just lovely! You should frame that and hang it in a special place :-) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Michelle said...

Loved your answers. And the pictures of the ducks and cats.
I love your little library niche. Maybe, one day I'll have one :)

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - I fall in love with your photos each and every time I see them. Love your cats. Love the photo of your daughter picking flowers. And your two grands!!! I have been in Ohio visiting my other family. Love, sandie

podso said...

I wonder why more states don't have diners. I find them cozy places to eat but maybe it's because they excel in comfort food. Sigh, we're working on books. It will probably take us years. I'm late to your party but wanted to say what a gorgeous photo your top one of your daughter is. The lighting is just perfect.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

I am so behind, visiting sites I like to visit...that first photo is a real gem, Judy - wow! And your caption includes one of my all-time favourite bad jokes - "It's really hard to say what my wife does." Pause. "She sells seashells by the seashore."


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