Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Audreys for Wednesday Medley

 I was searching 'Audrey' in my photo files and got this.
THIS, if you remember, is the mama cat who wandered up our driveway and gave issue to

Tommy & Smokey
(of Instagram fame)

Read All About it HERE

I am still looking for a loving home for these two darling kitties.

Join Terri and the Gang

Everything below this line is copied from the National Calendar website.
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in at

National Film Score Day Art


As the opening scenes of a long-anticipated movie begin to flicker across the screen, a rising cadence undulates through the theater setting the mood. A musical note plays, then two, and soon the theater is filled with a beautifully layered orchestral music masterwork. This musical accompaniment to the film you’re watching is called the “Film Score.”
On April 3, National Film Score Day recognizes the musical masterpieces called “Film Scores” and, more specifically, the very talented composers who create them.
Read more about National Film Score Day and its history at Terri's blog:
Terri's Blog

1.  Let's talk about film scores/songs.  What is the first one that you thought about when you saw today's subject?

Schindler's List. It's the most hauntingly beautiful music.
2.  Do you remember the first movie you ever saw on the "big screen"?  Would you tell us about it?

I think it was Doris Day and Rock Hudson in 'Glass Bottom Boat,' which just getting permission from my dad to go see it and all that entailed is far too long a story to include here. I don't know what he thought was going to happen in the movie theatre, but nevertheless, it was a big deal just getting very reluctant permission. And the movie itself was totally not worth the effort.

3.  Who is your favorite female movie star?  Who is your favorite male movie star?  Go ahead and list more than one if you must.

Favorite female movie star? Audrey Hepburn for sure! I love watching those old movies, especially Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck and How to Steal a Million with Peter O'Toole. After that, probably Gwynneth Paltrow in Emma, The Perfect Murder, and Proof. Male movie star? Martin Shaw as George Gently and Michael Kitchen as Foyle in Foyle's War.

4.  How about those old black & white movies!  Which one do you always stop and watch, even just a little, when channel surfing?

We're not on cable, so we almost exclusively watch DVDs or movies on Netflix or Acorn. BUT, any old black and white mysteries would make me stop and watch. Even Svengoolie, out of Chicago, I think it is, is fun to watch. It's all the old black and white horror movies with lots of history of the making of and of the filmstars themselves narrated by the incomparable Svengoolie himself. 

 Totally corny and not the least bit scary,
just silly fun.

5.  Is there a movie quote that makes you laugh or one that you repeat often in life that you can share with us?  Will we know what movie it comes from without you telling us?  

Mr. C. and I are often quoting lines from British mysteries to each other and then laughing because almost no one would have a clue what that was about. Many situations trigger a movie line. Of course I can't think of any at the moment. They come to me when they're appropriate to the moment. (or inappropriate, as the case may be. lol)

Smokey, helping clean out the old hutch
It was built into the house - 1914

 We stripped it of its paint, refinished it, and moved it.
We're planning to take both the 1914 hutch and
the 1915 Home Comfort wood-burning range 
(and the coffee grinder) with us.

The wire gates you see in the doorway are no longer there.
We used them to gate Bridger and Misty (sniff sniff)
in the kitchen at night.

6.  Please share something random about your week with us.

All of you and my poor blog have been so neglected as of late because I'm getting ready to host a party on Thursday of this week (amazing how nothing looks as greatly in need of cleaning until you see it through someone else's eyes!), plus I've been going through Christmas ornaments and decorations and many more books are boxed up, ready to go to St. Vincent's for donation. I've also cleaned out the hutch of items I don't need to be moving with us this summer/fall and we're taking some boxes out to our son's home in Minnesota later this month. I've measured the space we'll be living in when we move to Wausau to figure out just how many bookshelves can be fit into it. Fortunately, as long as we don't want anything else in the house, many books can go with us. (just kidding). But then wall space taken up by bookshelves cuts down on the number of Civil War art prints I can take. Oh brother. This is so time consuming, but really good for me and once I get on a roll, the only thing stopping me is Mr. C. saying, 'What? You can't give *that* away!'  So we'll see... Anyway, this is pretty much my life in the next few months. Sorting, donating, packing.
And enjoying spring if it ever gets here. :-) 

 Back yard, mid May

Thank you, Terri, for today's Medley!

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Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!
Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning



勝美 said...

1. Your Eep (formerly Jeep) may be eligible for WI DOT collector's license plates. Can't drive a collector vehicle during January but you never have to register it again.

2. Are Smokey and Tommy declawed? My friend's rescue cat came with the front paws declawed and he is concerned they might not get along.

Have a nice week. Enjoyed your answers.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Harrison Ford, Harrison Ford. he is my favorite. Meryl Streep comes to mind because she is so talented. I love Audrey and have watched her in Sabrina half a dozen times.I don't remember the first movie. and have no idea on the scores. I think the most hear ever is Titantic. I am sorry to hear no home has been found for the kitties.

the only quote that comes to mind is Go Ahead, Make My Day... clint Eastwood fan. I am so happy you are taking that stove with you. I love, love it. good luck with the going through and donating and I pray now as I type someone will love your cats enough to take them

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Judy.. I just left a comment and it got eaten up. I'm trying again. Sounds like you have a huge job ahead of you! Good luck. I love the backyard pic taken last year. May can't come soon enough. Enjoy your purging.

Sandi said...

Audrey Hepburn was so beautiful.

I like your wall map! I have to pull out a globe or a book to point out places to my kids. Wish I had room for a map like that!

Jodi said...

Cleaning and preparing for a move is alot of work! I would love to sit under your pretty! Have a great Wednesday!

Vee said...

Oh I had considered participating this week...nope, this week wouldn’t work well for me. I can’t remember many movies, many actors nor many scores. Your commentary was interesting and didn’t go along as I suspected it might.

Glad that you are taking such iconic images of your home with you.

Praying for Smokey and Tommy’s new home.

Annsterw said...

Great answers!!!! I really hope the boys find a good home! I woudl volunteer but I already have four! LOL! Thanks for sharing this though!!! Hugs Annster's Domain

Debby Ray said...

Oh's those old movies that were really great...loved Roman Holiday! And yes, Schindler's List oh yes, yes, yes. I do pray that you will find the perfect home for those two adorable babies. Did I ask you if you will be living the country or not??

podso said...

I hope those new kitty owners are coming soon! I don't envy you your packing and sorting and tossing and repurposing, etc., but at least you will soon have spring to enjoy out the windows. May you have peace about your decisions, and make them easily. The first movie I saw was Bambi and only because we were on vacation--I was probably 5. The next was Sound of Music when I was in college, way past when it came out but apparently still in the theatre.

Mevely317 said...

Decisions, decisions! (It's been a year since we moved across country, but man, the memories/nightmares linger!) Just follow your hearts! Love that olden hutch and the range!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

What a wonderful thing to be able to transfer your "old" pieces to the new house. It will definitely feel like home with them and all the bookshelves you will have. I don't envy you the next few months with all the sorting, labeling and packing you have ahead, but I it seems you have plenty of time to get it all done. Hope the party goes smashingly! Audrey Hepburn! YES!

Lori said...

That tree is beautiful!
My son's favorite is Audrey Hepburn also. I don't really have favorites. Loved your answers! Have a nice Wednesday!

Terri D said...

Thank you for joining the Medley! I enjoyed your answers and we love the same male & female actors, and those old B&W movies are the best! Love your photos! Glad you can take the hutch and the stove that you love so much with you to your new home.

Stacy said...

The kitchen looks fabulous. I love that hutch!
And Svengoolie? Good stuff!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, you are really working hard and having a party. I love your old hutch and that stove is a beauty---so glad they are going with you. I love old movies the best. I remember my first movie was at the drive-in theater. Pouring down raining--Snow White--loved it through the raindrops.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Loved reading all your answers. Now, you can make it easy when moving or do it the hard way. and that is by not being lethal in deciding what to do on the first count. Sometime ago someone suggested on a blog this book. I got it and now a lot of my friends also have it and all of us have used it to De clutter. I was not moving nor were many of my friends but not only did it help our homes, it also de cluttered our minds. The book is called - " The More of Less" by Joshua Becker ISBN 978-1-60142-796-0 It is a small book and can be read in a couple of days but one to often go back and read read and you always have to keep up to date with de cluttering (after the MAJOR) De clutter. however you both need to read it!!!!

Jenn Jilks said...

Having just rehomed a cat, I understand your situation. Good luck.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Books and art...we need it all! I don't have any wall space that's not taken and I still want to make an art wall...with art from floor to ceiling. It's so much work to move and you're having a party too? You stay busy my friend! Take care! Happy Spring!

Jean | said...

Judy, I'm so curious about how the hutch was built into the house. What does that mean? Wish I could help you with your sorting and packing. I love doing that kind of thing. Am going to a friend's house on Monday to help her clear out her closets--what fun! Wish we could take Tommy and Smokey. :-( That is an exceptionally adorable photo of them you've posted this time.

Sue said...

Enjoyed reading your answers, Judy, happy sorting and packing, ~smile~ i did this 20 yrs ago, it was bittersweet, trying to decide what to let go of and what keep, I think I would keep the stove too! so lovely. Good luck with finding homes for the kitties, how nice if we had more folks who care about our furry friends, I am so happy for the 6 yrs we had with our Jack, he came from an abused home!, Promised him that no one would ever abuse him again, and they didn't.

Wendy said...

Sorting and packing will take up a lot of your time but nice to see you here. Martin Shaw is a favourite of mine too.

Lorrie said...

The prospect of moving can be daunting, but it sounds as though you are well ahead of the game. No favourite actors or movies here, but I remember my first theatre movie - The Sound of Music.

Arlene G said...

Moving is like having a house fire so I have been told. I always organize, donate and toss and when I am unpacking boxes I still have so much stuff. We have been in our townhome 10 years now and I am trying to downsize our possessions....that does not include cross stitch materials

Chatty Crone said...

I wish I could take your two kitties - they are so pretty and sweet. Looks like you are keeping really busy. I like Doris Day and Rock Hudson - don't like how he did his co-starts in the end. The first movie I ever saw was The Blob - for 25¢ with my brother. Thought audrey Hepburn was such a classy lady. Have you ever seen Gone With The End on a large screen - awesome! Love, sandie

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Enjoyed that, as usual. For some reason, I now have the theme from 'Gone With The wind' going through my mind. Hopefully, it won't be there tomorrow, because, after all...
Wonderful blossom!

Lady Fi said...


Cheryl said...

Oh those moving decisions are agonizing. Three years ago, we were packing up/cleaning out/tossing/etc. as hard as we could go! I am happy that is behind us. Just keep plugging away and think about how great it will be to be setting up rather than taking apart!!

Still praying for Tommy and Smokey to find a wonderful home!!


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