Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Hodgepodging - Dealing with Change

Narrows Park,
Rice Lake, WI

Join Joyce and the Gang

 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and link up!

One of many beautiful woods in Barron County, WI

1. It's fall y'all. What's something you love about this season and also something you don't? 
What I love about fall is the cool crispness in the air, but still a hot sun. And, of course, the color of Wisconsin's woods. There's nothing like it. What I dislike about fall, of course, is that it is far shorter than the beastly miserable winter which follows it. 

Barn near Ridgeland, WI

2. When you think of the colors of fall, which one is your favorite? Is there somewhere you could easily day trip to see the leaves in all their glory? Will you? 
My favorite fall color is probably the burgandy of oak leaves, or the deep red of sumac, but they're most appreciated when surrounded by all the other colors, including the evergreens. I don't need to take a day trip to see the fall color. It is already starting up here and will soon surround us. If you've never been to NW or Central Wisconsin to see the fall color, you should try to do it. It is starting now, which seems a bit early to me, but should be at its peak in another few weeks. And up here we take as much of this beauty in as possible to bolster us from that first blast of winter, following not far behind.

 Beautiful burning bush? at
St. Stanislaus Orthodox Church
in Lublin, WI
(photo taken a couple days ago, when we took the longcut home from Hayward)

3. What's one thing you've let 'fall' by the wayside during this season of staying home and staying away? 
That would be my Etsy shop. I think I'm still adjusting to a smaller space, so the main reason I've not been making and selling soap is the lack of a dedicated area that would work for drying/curing the soaps. And  besides, right now I'm occupied with supervising the grandkids, especially the 6 year old, with virtual schooling. They're not an excuse. They're a delight. So maybe if I can figure out how to find the space for my soaps, I'll get back to it.
This is a long day for a six year old.  :-(((

The schoolhouse did look better back in the day. I took this photo about 5 years ago.
Funny how missing teeth looks cute on a second grader, isn't it.

4. If you're wearing a sweater is it most likely a cardigan, crew neck, v-neck, or zip up hoodie? 
It would always be a cardigan or a zip up hoodie. I can't stand crew necks or turtle necks or v-neck sweaters. But I've noticed that it's very difficult to find a substantial cardigan these days. Sweaters seem to be made more for fashion than function, so thin and pretty, but nothing designed for warmth. These days I mostly stick with my London zip up hoodie, purchased one October day on the south bank when I was freezing and Mr. C. felt sorry for me (maybe because he had told me I would NOT need to wear a jacket that day because it was plenty warm. So I had left my jacket back at the B&B. I'm actually not sorry, because I love the hoodie. And now, Mr. C. doesn't bother to answer me when I ask, 'Do you think I'll need a jacket?' when going out.) Smart man.

August 2020
the hoodie

Taken probably March of 2015 in Thirsk, UK
I'm still wearing that jacket. It's a perfect travel jacket!
And if I get hit by a car at night, you'll know it was intentional.

Taken March of 2010
The lab coat, which I still occasionally wear when taking a walk
on a dark night.
And you-know-who
Best dog ever.
I know. These photos are totally unnecessary.
But since I have my photos tagged according to subject and placed in folders according to month, lots of other photos pop up to distract me when I'm hunting for something. 

This cracks me up, a note written by our granddaughter to her mom.
But, for the record, she LOVES real school. It's this virtual school that's the issue - not actually interacting with their friends, the school-side server not working properly, headphones, sitting in one place all day, etc. etc.

5. What's your secret to dealing with change? 
Such an interesting question. I do think I try to look on the bright side of change when possible (except the change from fall to winter! I have given up on that project entirely, and as you can tell, my resistance to this virtual school for the kids). In selling the farmhouse, however, I see a happy young family now living there and that makes me happy. I'm also loving living with the grandkids, hearing their 'KNOCK KNOCK' when they want to enter our apartment, and going for walks with them, taking them to the playground. Moving from the country to the city is a big change, such as in going from a huge view of fields and woods to a smaller view of backyard and neighborhood. But the rewards of this change are enormous, including a 3-generational living arrangement and attending the only church that I've ever loved. I can't even explain it. But it definitely starts with Worship. Downsizing from tons of books to just hundreds has been okay, because it forced me to sort through and keep my favorites. But the change that is happening on the political/social horizon is a different animal. Still, I always go to this:

"For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." - From Romans 8.

So even with any changes that may come, for those who put their trust in Christ, the future is bright!

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

A few of the grandkids we saw over the weekend, back in the Rice Lake, WI area:

That look alone makes him look totally guilty, doesn't it! LOL

He actually seemed very happy to see us.
I think he gets tired of smiling for a camera.

 The calmest baby ever!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!

Join me on Instagram
new account: @cranberrymorning2020
(I gave up on Instagram ever reinstating my old account)




Mrs.T said...

Loved this post, Judy. Your multi-generational household seems to be functioning well. We haven't moved, but we acquired some property next door to our daughter's family and are fixing up a cottage on the property. It's fun to see the grandkids running to our little place on a woods path they made, or wheeling into our yard on their bicycles.

Love your hoodie and that's a gorgeous photo of you!

Is the schoolhouse photo on a scrapbook page? Love it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your favorite fall color is also mine, i like all of your cold weather gear, and would like to have the white one if i lived where i could wear a coat. i have 2 cardigan sweaters that are rarely worn. i would be bored also doing school at home, my great niece is 13 and she really hates the new online school, so does her 16 year old brother. they want the PEOPLE

Martha said...

I love every single photo you shared today and you look beautiful in your hoodie! I love the idea of the multi-generational household. I think that's perfect! Happy Hodgepodge :)

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Wonderful post. . .so many beautiful photos! Your autumn photos are so gorgeous! Have a wonderful day!

Cheryl said...

Love your colorful fall photos . . . so much beauty all around! I'm sure you're soaking it in in anticipation (dread?) of the long winter ahead. What a sweet picture of 2nd grade you, but I also love the photo of the current you dressed in the London hoodie. Of course, you needed that hoodie . . . for the cold, yes, but also because it is so very "you"!

I really feel for the parents/grandparents who are having to deal with virtual school. I have had people tell me that they have new admiration for homeschoolers now, but I always respond that this is totally different. When we homeschooled (as you know from your own homeschooling years), we did not keep our children inside and away from human contact most of the time. We had field trips and "extras" like choir and PE classes. AND (most importantly, I think) we were teaching what we chose to teach in the manner in which we chose to teach it. These poor parents today are administering someone else's lesson plans and ideas. The worst of both worlds, in my opinion.

I am such a chatterbox today . . . so I'll close by saying that I love your attitude on change. It's not always easy, but if we believe that God is in control, then we can trust Him to do what is good.

ellen b. said...

Enjoyed reading through your answers and I really like your London zip sweatshirt. God is in control for sure and I'm glad he doesn't give up on me. Love that little calm cute! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my hodgepodge!

Terri D said...

Oh, those sweet kiddos!! Another fun Hodgepodge. I know where you live must be so beautiful right now!! You look great in your hoodie! I've been wondering about your soap making. Keep us posted! xo

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Amen and Amen and praise God He is the one in control. I so enjoyed your post today and loved seeing all the pictures. Oh my, those adorable grandbabies.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Love your hoodie and the reason you have it, Judy. It sounds like you are adjusting to major changes very well. I finished using your lovely soap ages ago and wish I had more. Let me know if you begin to make more. I enjoyed seeing your lovely photos of the beautiful Autumn colors. Have a nice week.

Lorrie said...

Wonderful post. Your positive outlook and strong faith comes through your words. It sounds like your move has been great on many fronts.

Willow said...

Since I am a total Anglophile, I had to check exactly where Thirsk is. And 'world of James Herriot' popped up right there. I'd love a London hoodie and would wear it every day! (I've visited England 4 times--so far)
You just finished your transition and we are beginning ours. Oh the things we do for grandchildren! I am thankful that NOTHING can separate me from the love of God.

Ann said...

How nice to see fall color in WI when I don't live there any more. I miss it. As prior homeschool mom for 15 years, that's an ridiculously long day for a 6 year old and should be short since no one is dealing with classroom garbage. School IS boring when you're doing "school" at home. As a homeschool mom, we DID things and learned by doing and discussing (and it was shorter for the reason already mentioned). Poor kids. Luckily you are there with them and they will always remember this precious time with you.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a gorgeous row of trees!!! Enjoyed reading your answers. Yes we miss your soaps but I totally understand.

Vee said...

Though you'll be surrounded, I hope that you take the chance to go leaf peeping as well. You probably see all the flaws in virtual schooling. So many are just bailing on it and homeschooling instead. My daughter-in-law is getting very close to that point. Kids go to school two days a week and wear a mask all day and arrive home with headaches. The times are certainly challenging. What gorgeous photos you've shared!

Your little grand? Great? She's darling as all your grandchildren are.

Happy autumn, Judy! 🍂🧡🍂

Joyce said...

That little lady is a doll : ) You've certainly been experiencing a lot of change, but seem to be rolling right along which is wonderful. So thankful my hope is not in our government institutions or people...definitely makes the chaos and unrest our country is seeing these days a lot less scary. Have a nice weekend!

Jean | said...

Judy, I'm dazzled at the way you've adapted to the changes in your life! And it's perfectly okay that your habit of looking on the bright side does not extend to the harsh winters! I think multigenerational living is wonderful. Haven't done it myself, but it looks very appealing.

Willow said...

TEN trips to the UK? Oh, I am so jealous! I've only been four times, first visit being in 2004. I can't choose my favorite part as every place is so beautiful (except maybe parts of London).
We did do four winters in Wheaton, IL, so we sort of have an idea of what WI experiences. Hopefully, Ohio winters will be less severe.

التاج المثالى said...
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Maria said...
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SImple and Serene Living said...

I love fall, although like you I hate that it is followed by winter. I can't really complain too much though as winter is fairly mild and short here in Atlanta. Happy that you are enjoying your new home. xo Laura

Barbara said...

I'd be calm, too, if I knew I was dressed as cute as your little granddaughter. What a little dolly she is.

Yes, we can be calm knowing our Savior and Lord has got us in His hand. We can trust Him even when things look ominous.

Robin said...

Beautiful pictures!!

Susie said...

Judy, I loved all your pictures. Especially the family shots. You look so pretty . Blessings, stay safe. xoxo, Susie


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