Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happiness is...

...a morning spent with my friend, Deb. While visiting with her at her home, I had to take a few photos. This sweet little bird and birdhouse sit on her hutch. Aren't they cute!

Deb and I have known each other for 40? years. We've had a long and trusting relationship during all the years our children were young and as they grew up and left home. Debbie is the person I know I can go to with a problem, share my heart with her, and trust her to keep a confidence. I know she cares for me and prays for me. What could possibly be better in a friendship.

Outside her house, in the front yard, is this pretty maple tree and another bird house. If I were a bird in that neighborhood, I'd definitely see if there were a vacancy at Deb's.

I had to take the photo of that bird house as seen through the front door window. It was a sweet morning, catching up on the happenings in our families, and hoping to get together again soon for a trip to Stillwater, MN before the snow flies.

And do I have a photo of Deb and me? No. Why? Because the photo I took while holding the camera at arm's length in front of us could be used to scare the rats away. Taking a photo that close up is NOT a good idea.


Happiness is...

getting this sweet video from our son. I can't tell you how many times I've played that short clip that just melts Grandma's heart every time I see it!!!


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Trace4J said...

What a heart melter.
So cute.
How blessed you are.
Nothing like good forever friends.
Love the photos.
Have a wonderful day

Terri D said...

I would be playing that video over and over too! Precious!

Those of us who have "old" friends like your Deb are so blessed! Mine is Elaine, and we have been friends since we were 10 years old (50 years!). She is like a sister, even though, since graduation, we have lived miles and miles apart. Thank goodness for technology, because it keeps us close.

May God bless your day today and keep you safe!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that Hi Granma is just to to sweet. i would play it over and over to. lucky birds to have your friend and lucky you and your friend to have each other. my best friend for 53 years lives 6 hours away, we email every day and talk several times a month, but as for seeing each other not very much, been 4 years now since i was up there. friends are forever

Robin said...

You are truly blessed to have a true friend like Deb.

Ruth Kelly said...

She's old enough to say grandma - very very sweet.

Carla from The River said...

I love the video.

A true blessing to have a good friend! God is so good to provide us with such blessings.

Deborah said...

My friend, of course I LOVE this post because it is about you and me! And I feel the same about you. You are the longest running friendship I have ever enjoyed beside Mike and I would not trade you for anything. We have so many memories...some sad and some glad but all of them make for having a best friend that has always been my kindred spirit. I love you my dearest friend. The video is so sweet and I would play it over and over again too. I love the smile on his face when he says your name. :)

Olive said...

You are blessed to have a friend for such a long tome. I love the bird house shots.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

There is nothing better than a close friend. I lost four of my nearest and dearest over the last couple of years, and it's hard. But thankfully, I have other friends I love like sisters.

Sounds like you had a great day with your BFF. Loved seeing the fall foilage and the birdhouse. LOL about the picture. Boy, do I know that feeling! :-)

For some reason, I don't see a video link. Might be this thing I'm on. And no, I am still having blogger issues. Sigh. I'm just visiting and not posting. I can't do that, either, from an IPAD. Not sure how.



Chatty Crone said...

Your grandson has the blondish hair - he is so cute. And wonderful to have a friend of 40 years. How close are you from one another?

laurie said...

So sweet! God has certainly blessed you with family and friends!

RURAL said...

Awwww such a sunny beautiful day, and the bird houses are darlin.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Denise said...

Such a sweet, sweet post. I love the video.

Yenta Mary said...

Oh, how absolutely adorable!!! :)

Candace said...

Love it!

Debra Hawkins said...

It is so wonderful to have a friend like that. They only come around once in a lifetime. What a darling little bird!


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