Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lionel, R.I.P.

Lionel, 2000 - 2012

I'm writing this post because so many of you were fans of Lionel. Our sweet kitty died yesterday morning. The vet said that Lionel had cardiomyopathy.  We wrapped Lionel in his polar fleece blankie and buried him in a tool chest in the wind break north of the house.

 Lionel's favorite night spot:
my pillow

I told Tuppence that she was going to have to step up and be the Big Cat now. We'll see if she is up to the responsibility. So far, she is more interested in the herb garden than in lying on my pillow...

Actually, I'm wondering how Tuppence is going to handle the loss of her constant companion. 

 September 2012

We're going to miss that sweet cat.



Unknown said...

My thoughts goes to you today my friend (((((Big Hugs))))

Parsley said...

Oh no! I'm so very sorry. Prayers for peace.

danika said...

I love you, Mom. I miss Lionel now, even though I hardly ever got to see him over the past several years! {hug}

Thrifty Crafty Girl said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! At least he had a loving family to give him such a good life. RIP, Lionel.

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathy in your loss. It's so hard to lose a beloved pet. These pictures are so sweet.

Melissa said...

My heart breaks for your loss. So sorry :(

Diana Ferguson said...

So sorry for your loss!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I am so sorry, Judy! Truly, losing a pet is so hard~ praying for you all (Tuppence, too.)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry to hear this, he was a beautiful cat, so pretty and my heart hurts for you and for Tuppence, who has no way no where his friend has gone. hugs from Florida.

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of Lionel. He will be missed greatly. Many thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Take Care

George The Lad said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear the news that Lionel has gone to the bridge.
Run free dear Lionel, you will be dearly missed.
Hugs to you Judy and your family
Love Jan,George and Tess xxx

RURAL said...

I am so very sorry, and my heart breaks for you....

Poor baby....he will be missed.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I am so sorry about Lionel. It was so special for my boys to meet him.
HUGS to you and a big HUG to Tuppence!

Trace4J said...

Sending you a giant hug my Friend.
One too Tuppence too.
SO hard to lose a furry companion.

Andrea the Kitchen Witch said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and companion Lionel. He was a beautiful creature and well loved by his humans and animal friends. May the memories of his sweet self linger. He was a lucky cat to have an owner like you Judy. (((hugs))) my friend.

Deanna said...

I'm so terribly sorry. It's amazing how those small creatures can occupy such a large part of our hearts.

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Lionel was such a pretty cat.

Ruth Kelly said...

Sorry to hear that Lionel passed. I cried for a week when Pepper died. I am glad to hear that he did not suffer long.

Your Tuppence looks like a twin to my Abby.

Deborah said...

So sorry my friend. I know how much you miss him.

Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

Awww...I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard when we lose our furry friends. I hope tomorrow's a better day.


Denise said...

So very sorry for your loss, love you.

RebeccaT said...

Oh Judy, we were so sorry to hear about Lionel. Thinking of you.

Terri D said...

I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard to say good-bye to one of our fur-children. Hugs.

Brandi said...

So sorry for the loss of your cat. I hope you are coping well.

Robin said...

Judi, I'm so sorry to hear of Lionel's passing. I know you and Kevin will miss him so much. Peace be with you and Kevin.

Amy said...

So so sorry to hear about your lost. May Lionel R.I.P.

Empty Nester said...

Oh Judy. I was so sad to see the title of this post. And my first thought was what will Tuppence do now without her buddy? Our pets bring us such joy and the sadness when they leave us is deep. When I was putting the slideshow together for Birdie's birthday today, a couple of the pictures show our golden retriever, Buddy. The husband and I just sat there and cried when we saw him. Thinking of you.

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

Oh Judy, I am so, so sorry. My heart goes out to you, my friend.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for you. Our little friends add such sweetness to our lives. I really believe Lionel is in heaven & you will see him again.
XO, Linda

Amy Burzese said...

Oh no, Judy. I am so sorry. I know that feeling well. What a sweet kitty and what a fine resting place you made for him. Kitty heaven is a happy place now. Kiss Tuppence for me.

Eileen H said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.
RIP Lionel.
Love Eileen xx

Candace said...

I'm so sorry, Judy! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Chatty Crone said...

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo very sorry about the loss of your little cat. I know how much you loved him and tried to save him. He was so cute. I know he will be missed. Hugs. sandie

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss. Our pets are so precious to us...

J_on_tour said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

I am so so sorry to hear about Lionel.


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