Wednesday, October 31, 2012

GF Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe

 Delicious Gluten-free Peanut Butter Cookies

What to do. The gluten-free chocolate chip cookies were gone, and I like to have some gluten-free treat in the freezer. So, I decided to make peanut butter cookies this time. I have no idea how many calories they have, but I do know that I needed to eat a high protein dinner, for lunch pretty much consisted of peanut butter cookies. Don't tell anyone.

Next month I'll be making Christmas Stollen and freezing it.  Must get the ingredients soon.

Peanut Butter Cookies - Gluten Free Recipe:

1/2 c. butter
1/4 c. regular Crisco shortening
1 1/4 c. light brown sugar
3/4 c. peanut butter
1 egg
1 T. vanilla

1 c. fine rice flour
1/2 c. potato starch
1/2 c. tapioca flour
1 t. baking powder
3/4 t. baking soda
1/4 t. salt

Cream wet ingredients. Add (mixed) dry ingredients and mix well.

Form into walnut-size+ balls. Place 2-3 inches apart on cookie sheet. (I use heavy jelly roll pans and get a dozen cookies on each.)

Bake 350 degrees for 12 minutes. After taking them out of the oven, let them cool on the cookie sheet before removing them. I baked the first batch at 375 for 10 minutes, but they didn't get done enough or dry enough for me.

The first photo includes a few of the cookies that I pressed with a fork before baking.

Of course, you can also use this recipe to make Hershey peanut blossoms. To do so, as soon as the cookies are out of the oven, press a Hershey kiss into the top of each one. Who doesn't like those, right??

This batch made 2 1/2 dozen 2 in. cookies. The full 2 1/2 dozen did not make it to the freezer, however, in spite of my good intentions.

These are very good, and are more like peanut butter shortbread. SO tender!


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 You'll find me at These Linky Parties:
Mop it Up Monday   and Mix it up Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and Gluten Free Monday and  The Chicken Chick and   What's in the Gunny Sack and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and Make the Scene Monday and  Make it Great Monday and Made By You Monday and  Something I Whipped Up Monday and  Motivate Me Monday and  Making Monday Marvelous  and  Get Your Craft On and Tip Me Tuesday  and Ginger Jamboree and   Inspiration Board and You're Gonna Love it Tuesday and  Take a Look Tuesday and  Tasty Tuesday and Tasty Tuesday and  Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays  and Two Maids a Baking and   Cast Party Wednesday and   We Did it Wednesday  and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Mom on TimeOut and  Link it Up Thursday and It's Fall Y'all and Crafty Friday (Thursday) and Mandatory Mooch and  Petals to Picots and  Threading Your Way and Lisa's Gluten-Free Blog  and I'm Lovin' it Friday and Maiden d'Shade and It's a Hodgepodge Friday  and Foodie Friends Friday and Creative Bloggers and  Serenity Saturday and Overflowing With Creativity and  Home and Family Friday and Sunny Simple Sunday and  Saturday Nite Special



Trace4J said...

Morning Friend
Oh how my granny's and son love PB cookies.
Me too.
Warm Woolie Hugs

MadSnapper said...

they look wonderful, cookies for lunch? count me in.

Eileen H said...

Mmmm they look delicious.
They don't contain any calories :-)

Terri D said...

The cookies look yummy!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

These look so good! I hope you're having a good and warm! Sweet hugs!

Denise said...

My husband will love those cookies.

Bossy Betty said...

Yum! I have a friend who is gluten free and these look perfect for her!

RURAL said...

Oh GF cookies, I love to make cookies, and will add this recipe to my list.

My husband loves PB, he will be delighted.



tlcukjourney said...

Oh yes... YES YES YES... It's time to take another trip to London!! Do look me up! And please bring some cookies with you!!! :)

Ruth Kelly said...

Are they extra crispy with rice flour? I tried some crackers made from rice flour and they were the worst.

Angie's Recipes said...

We, esp. my husband, are huge fans of peanut butter. These cookies must be very tasty.

Chatty Crone said...

Another hit - they look great. I am sure they taste great too. I like that they are gluten free.
Boo to you!
Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I love, love, love peanut butter cookies and don't make them nearly as often as I should... I think you may have inspired me to bake this weekend :) The cookies look perfect!

RebeccaT said...

These cookies are so fabulous, I am glad to hear your freezer will be re-stocked. I just might have to come and visit!!

Heidi said...

Peanut butter and gluten-free! Perfect. Your cookies look fabulous (in fact, I'd love one right now). I'll have to settle for Halloween candy.

I’d love it if you linked this up at my weekly Gluten-Free Monday party on I hope to see you there.

Yenta Mary said...

Peanut butter cookies have protein, so as far as I'm concerned you had health food for lunch. The rest of us aren't judging; we're just jealous ... :)

Robin said...

They look so yummy. I hope you had one with a nice cuppa.

laurie said...

I won't tell! Eat as many as you like...they sure look good!

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy, I'm a bit behind commentin; hubby has been sick. These cookies look/sound so delicious. Wishing you a nice weekend. Mildred

Debra Hawkins said...

Thank you so much for this! I have been wanting a gluten free peanut butter recipe. Yum.

megan {homemade ginger} said...

Yum! I have so many gluten free friends...this will come in handY! I would be honored if you linked this on my blog up at the Ginger Jamboree Link Party!!

Trish - Mom On Timeout said...

They look super delicious! Perfect to serve to gluten-free guests :) Thank you so much for sharing your creativity at Mom On Timeout. Hope to see you back tonight!

Unknown said...

These look delicious! I'm starting a new link party today and would love for you to come link up.

Candace said...

Love peanut butter cookies!


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