Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Regent Apples

For this post, I really should have a photo of a Regent apple. This post doesn't have anything to do with this barn that is a few miles south of our house. It has to do with a very sweet story.

Last week, our young neighbor and her little boy stopped at our place to deliver two apples to our house - one for me and one for my husband. It was the little boy's idea. He had heard (and remembered, evidently) that we didn't get any apples from our tree this year because after it had blossomed, we had a hard frost. Hence, no apple crop for us.

Simon, the sweet little guy, having just been to the apple orchard with his mom and two sisters, thought he would like to share an apple with us.

He gave a Regent to me and a Cortland to my husband. I don't know about the Cortland, but I'll have to say that the Regent has just become my new favorite apple. I've always been loyal to McIntosh, and even bought a second McIntosh tree to have in our yard, but now I'm thinking I need to look into purchasing a Regent apple tree. That apple had all the qualities I like in an apple: sweet but not overly sweet, and not dull, but very juicy and crisp.

Thank you to Simon for thinking of us!


After taking the photo of the barn and uploading it to my computer, I zoomed into see if there was anything inside the barn. There was! It was an old Farmall tractor, like ours, pictured above.


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Robin said...

Oh, how sweet of Simon to think of you and Kevin. Hope you have a great visit with Bonnie and Tom.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness that is so sweet of little Simon! How very nice of him to think of you both and share his apples with you!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful barn. thanks for the info on the Regent, i stood and stared at them in the produce dept and could not make up my mind to try them. i love granny smith apples. so now i will give them a try

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Judy, thank you so much for the moral support on my blogger issues. It's as if I lay down for nap, and like Rip Van WInkle, I woke u in a different world. LOL

Loved this post. I have a fondness for old barns as we had one in the pasture behind our house growing up. And that tractor looks familiar, too. :-)

Love to you on this October morning. And can you save an apple for me? My favorites are Granny Smith.



Anonymous said...

Love the barn and oh, what a precious, thoughtful boy. A gift from the heart, for sure!

Marti said...

Bless that little boy and his parents for raising him to think of others. I love old barns, they give me such a feeling of connection with my ancestors and the simple but hard life that they lived.

Sunny Sue said...

Love the barn! Old red barns have always been a favorite of mine. I may just have to try a Regent myself. I have always been a Red Delicious girl because they just didn't have choices in my little town. Now, hubby's fave is the Gala so that is what comes home from the store. :-)

I've been away so long that I have a lot of catching up to do but I am looking forward to it!

Olive said...

How kind and sweet. The barn is lovely.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Too cute!
I haven't tried a regent. Have to see if I can find one. My favorite is Jonathon.

Bethany Nash said...

I might be able to get you a Regent tree next spring for cheap. I'm going to get a few trees, and Chad said that about $17 for a tree (and I think that was Honey Crisp). Not sure which varieties he's ordering, but I'll try to remember to look into it.

Rachel said...

That is the cutest story ever! How sweet of Simon!!


Trace4J said...

Loved this story.
Regent apples would be my fav too.

RURAL said...

What a sweetie, it's amazing how children remember things that we say for such a long time.

And to act on it.....

I am going to keep a eye out for Regent apples.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - what a sweet little boy - and I have never heard of Regent apples - I will have to check it out. THanks.

Carla from The River said...

Sweet young man. :)

I love HoneyGold!!

Denise said...

Simon is a sweety.

Yenta Mary said...

What a very sweet story, and an adorable little boy ... :)

debra said...

How nice to have sweet neighbors!


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