Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Vintage Mantel with Buckeye Root Beer and Old Post Box Fronts

Some of my favorite things are gathered onto the 2 x 10 makeshift mantel, above the brick wall near our wood-burning stove.  The cannon isn't vintage, technically, but I've always liked it because I picked it up in Gettysburg, one of my favorite places, several years ago. The post box fronts came from the post office on the US Army base in Korea . Our son was stationed there and rescued these post box fronts when they were being discarded to make way for the 'newer and better,' presumably. I'm so glad he did!

I love the bird house with its roof covered in copper sheeting (which, unfortunately, you are unable to see from this angle). When a friend gave it to me, I couldn't bear to put it outdoors in the weather. The cheery little bird sitting next to it belonged to my mom.

The dust on the mantel is not vintage, but probably will be by the time I get around to dusting that board! The cheese crock was given to me by my father-in-law many years ago, and the hand auger had belonged to my dad. For some reason, I was always fascinated by that thing, and he gave it to me, along with the bits that fit it. I keep them in an old Army ammo box. I don't remember where I got the pulley wheel, but it's been sitting around here for a long time.

In the first photo of this post, you'll see a sliver of the vintage Buckeye Root Beer jug and mugs which came from my great grandpa's restaurant about a hundred years ago.

 Christmas 2012

Okay, I'll go dust the mantel now.


Lavender Bud
Homemade Vegan Soap Sachets

...and more! Check out all our handcrafted soaps at

This post may be linked to some of the following: Mop it Up Monday  and  Cure for the Common Monday and Mealtime Monday and Clever Chicks Blog Hop and Mosaic Monday  and Barn Charm and  The Marketplace  and On the Menu Monday and  Mix it up Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and   What's in the Gunny Sack and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and Make the Scene Monday and  Something I Whipped Up Monday and  Motivate Me Monday and  Making Monday Marvelous and Get Your Craft On and   You're Gonna Love it Tuesday and Tweak it Tuesday and  Coastal Charm Tuesday and  Take a Look Tuesday and Coastal Charm and  Tasty Tuesday and Tasty Tuesday and Love Bakes Good Cakes and  Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays  and Overflowing With Creativity and Mom on TimeOut  and Adorned from Above and Cast Party Wednesday and  We Did it Wednesday  and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday  and The Self-sufficient Home Acre and  I'm Lovin' it Thursday and  Mandatory Mooch   and Foodie Friends Friday and Junkin Joe and  Serenity Saturday and Get Schooled Saturday  and Inspiration Friday(ThursNite) and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Photo Friday and  A Favorite Thing Saturday and Sunny Simple Sunday and  Saturday Nite Special


Trace4J said...

Good Morning Friend
What awesome treasures.
I love the jug and mugs.
I have lots of that vintage dust.
Woolie Hugs

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

Oh, I just love your mantel with all it's treasures! I would leave the vintage dust, it gives it charm. Well, at least that's what I'm telling myself these days around this house.

Unknown said...

Just loving all the goodies on your mantel - that bird cage is too cute!
No go dust - I'm so embarrassed for you LOL
( I think lately I only dust for photos actually )

The Cranky said...

The postbox fronts certainly bring back memories!

Terri D said...

I loved the tour of your mantel treasures this morning!! They are real treasures!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have a passion for old things and yours are all lovely

Diane said...

Love everything! Those post box doors are wonderful; great story attached too! Don't dust on my account!

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

I love your beautiful mantle dust and all!!

Unknown said...

What beautiful fun pieces-isn't it neat that they have such sentimental ties?
Have a good week.

Ruth Kelly said...

I have never heard of buckeye rootbeer but it may have only been a mideast product. Back then, each part of the country had their own version.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

That is what collections should be. Full of memories and reminders! You have a mini family hisotry there.

Eileen H said...

I love all your treasures each with it's precious memories. Don't worry about dusting, you would be so upset if you broke anything. Just find a notice that says do not disturb ;-)

RURAL said...

I love the vintage treasures also....and I think you should give up the dusting, and take more photos.


Dewena said...

We wouldn't have even noticed the dust if you hadn't mentioned it! I love the little bluebird and its house that it is guarding. The things you display do show that you are a history buff. So nice to have something passed down in family. I have my grandmother's first rolling pin carved by my grandfather. It's split so I don't use it but I do display it and think of them when I see it.

Yenta Mary said...

No need to dust that mantel - it's just going to get dusty again! Remember, housework is Sisyphean! I love the charm and warmth of all these items ... thank you for welcoming us into your home, which is so much more than merely a "house."

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

This post sure brought back memories. We used to have a leaded glass window in the living room like the one above your mantle. We also had a post office box with fronts like these. I think the number was 13.

Denise said...

Such wonderful treasures.

Candace said...

I love your fantastic little treasures, Judy. Sure wish I had that nice wood stove right about now. I'm way too cold for words. :(

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Those old Post Office box fronts sure are neat! And don't stir up the dust....ahhhchoo! heehee! Sweet hugs!

Unknown said...

I love the old post box fronts. My cousin used to actually have the boxes themselves... it was really neat. Then again, I do love old stuff.... er... VINTAGE I mean, sorry!! :)

Vicky @ Mess For Less said...

Wow, that stove is awesome. Love the mantel you've created too. I just want to sit in the front of that stove with a mug of hot cocoa.

Donna Wilkes said...

Such wonderful memories behind each object on the mantel. Personally I would leave the dust, too - it adds a bit of atmosphere to the vignette.

Chenille Cottage said...

Blessings, my friend,
Your home is so warm and welcoming. You have incorporated so many pieces of your family history. I love the stories you have shared about each piece. Your woodstove looks so inviting with it's orangey glow.

Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers for my little grandbaby. God has been such a source of strength and comfort...and, definitely healing. To Him be the glory!

Carolynn xoxo

Ladies Holiday said...

The post office doors are my fave- back when I was in school, our mail came in ones that look just like that!

Thanks for linking up with Photo Friday- hope to see you again next week with another great link :)

Lanie Smith said...

I LOVE that mailbox piece. Gorgeous!


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