Monday, February 17, 2014

Dragonwing Begonia, House Plants, Spring Flowers, and Garden Seeds

Dragonwing Begonia

So far, so good. The dragonwing begonia that I brought into the house last fall has survived and is looking very healthy. At least for now. It's sitting next to the south-facing patio doors, and when I first brought it in, it thanked me by dropping all those gorgeous orange/red petals. But I cut it back severely, and it shaped up instantly. New growth started and soon I was getting those beautiful blossoms again. Eric had informed me that dragonwings don't like any change in temperature or location, so that explained their initial response to being moved into the kitchen from the deck.

 Photo taken in December of 2013,
but it still has a few blossoms here and there

which yes, I do use in one of my soaps

 Kitchen Christmas Cactus
Yes, those are white lights strung over the plant ladder.
I never tire of little white lights.

The Prolific Spider

All winter long I've enjoyed the cheeriness of the dragonwing and the Christmas cactus (cacti, for I have a few of them), the spider, and even the huge aloe and jade plants. They give me hope that spring will come again, and with it will come daffodils, iris, bleeding heart, hostas, lilacs...and the warm earth beneath my feet.

In the meantime, I'll enjoy the plants indoors.

 The first flowers in my garden - daffodils

 My favorite - the purple iris

 Bearded Iris

 Pond Garden

 Bleeding Heart

McIntosh apple blossom
My poor little Mac was later devoured by the deer. :-(((

Wow, it did me good to look back through my photo files and be reminded of what beauty is there, dormant, under the snow.

 Looking for Spring

What plants are you looking forward to seeing again after winter?  Did you order your garden seeds yet? I suppose there are some people already getting ready to plant. We will plant potatoes, onions, and parsnips early, but won't be planting most things until the first of June, and even slightly later for tomatoes and peppers.

I placed my order a couple days ago, and it is so exciting when those seeds first arrive. It's amazing how looking through the gorgeous seed catalogs in January anesthetizes one to the reality of what follows after the seeds

What are you planting in your garden this year? And do you have house plants that cheer you in the long winter months?


Cucumber Peel & Aloe
Natural, Handcrafted Vegan Soap
with...cucumber peel & aloe!

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Unknown said...

Although I was raised in Nebraska and my dad had one of the biggest gardens in town... I do not share his green thumb. Unfortunately, I've even killed cactus out here! lol So, needless to say, I don't order seeds as they would just be a waste of money. :) I do love seeing how wonderful your plants look, though.. and especially the pic of your pond garden. That is just absolutely gorgeous!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no house plants but one pothos hanging in the kitchen. we do have a dragon wing begonia that has been blooming for 3 years, and it is interesting to hear they don't like to be moved... we have discussed why this one lives, since they die on the porch. it is in bob's plant hospital and each time he tried to move it it got sick. now it just sits where it is. no seeds for us, we have no place to plant...

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Your house plants look wonderful. I have never been able to grow anything in a pot! We used to plant veggies but now we only have flowering shrubs. We will be receiving 2 knockout rose bushes to plant soon.
The photo of your pond and the one of your dog are my favorites.

Diane said...

Can't wait to see flowers outside. I did buy some flower seeds already. Mostly zinnias and sunflowers. After this winter it better be a good year for plants!

TexWisGirl said...

love your garden! (and your pup!)

your christmas cacti and your spider plant reminded me of my mother. thanks. :)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

That pond garden is so pretty as are your house plants and that sweet pup. I hope you are feeling better each day and that spring comes your way before you know it,

Blessings to you, Judy...



Ruth Kelly said...

I think you have spring fever but with such a harsh winter, that is what we all look forward to.

Vee said...

I am not allowing myself to even think about it. I content myself with an Easter cactus not yet blooming and a chunk of ivy on the kitchen windowsill. That's about it. I really enjoyed seeing your pretty offerings today. And I liked the begonia story. I've never had any luck with that and now am wondering if I treated any future begonias the way you treated yours, if I might.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Judy It was lovely to see the photos you took last year and it gives us something to look forward to. Love the pup and he/she does not seem to mind the snow

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
We are excited to get into the garden this spring too. We hope to have a larger garden. We would like to plant potatoes. Potatoes will be new for us this 2014 garden season.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Thank you for that little bit of blooming loveliness!! Sister found a few daffodil bulbs in the basement that were trying to sprout, she put them in a pot and we are enjoying watching them grow. Not sure if they will bloom, but it doesn't matter. We planted more spring bulbs in the fall including snowdrops, witch I am very excited to see come up. And I am a little anxious to see if my little hydrangeas made it through the cold.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Hello Judy
your indoor plants are a joy! I can see you have green fingers and love gardening.
For me one of winter's pleasures is pouring over the seed and plant catalogues! The expectation of their arrival and planting brings hope that Spring is almost here!
During the long winter months I enjoy re-reading the books of Margery Fish, Vita Sackville-West and others for their advice on planting combinations. My “must have” list becomes so long I would need a massive truck and trailer to deliver them all!!! Naturally it gets severely culled to what will fit in the garden centre trolley!!
Where I live in the southern hemisphere it is high summer.
Sadly, my garden is past it's best due to lack of rain and interminable strong winds!
But hope springs eternal and I'm already planning next spring and summer's gardens!

Noelle the dreamer said...

I feel like the pup right now (looking for Spring!).
What lovely photo shots Judy, a nice touch for all those who yearn for a little colour in all the snow.
Sadly not all our plants made it through the winter with below average temps and lots of gales).
Heirloom seeds used only here!
Feeling better?

Meggie said...

My seed catalog has arrived...Thanks for the reminder. I need to get that order in. Your pond garden is breathtaking !!

Susie said...

All your pictures of flowers looks so good. I love bleeding hearts. xoxo,Susie

Denise said...

Beyond gorgeous.

Donna said...

Those colorful photos do bring us some cheer while we wait for spring to arrive! I bought a pot of miniature daffodils last week to enjoy on the kitchen table.

Chatty Crone said...

I thought I was dreaming - beautiful!!!!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love the thought of spring and summer flowers. Never thought to bring in a begonia. I will have to try it next year. xo Laura

Terri D said...

Your flowers/plants are beautiful and I so admire those who can raise plants and flowers. I just kill them. Spring will be here soon!!

I am really behind in reading blogs. Have just had to move on to more recent ones. Having company has limited my computer time. I think all my friends understand!


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