Thursday, February 13, 2014

Which Olympian are You??

You do wonder sometimes, 'What are they thinking??' I know they're young and flexible, but really. This looks scary to me.

And this? The skeleton. This is what concussions are made of.

Then there are the moguls. My knees hurt just watching them!  And how many knee surgeries do these people have by the time they're out of their 20s?  Talk about hard impact exercise!

THIS, on the other hand, although it looks scary, is my favorite to watch. I love to see them soaring through the air - and always managing to land on their feet. Remarkable, isn't it.  And once, a long time ago, I actually got to watch a ski jump competition in Westby, WI, standing right next to the 90 meter jump. That was very thrilling, and I've never quite gotten over it.

Oh. Changing the subject: Some of you have been asking about my recovery from hip replacement surgery. I just crossed the 6 week mark and am walking with/without a cane, hoping to get this show on the road so that I'll be ready to garden in May (or June), or whenever the blizzards are over and the ground is warm.

The above photo: Part of my physical therapy routine for Week 8!

BTW, did you see that 15 year old Russian figure skater?
That amazing spin!  She was spectacular!

So if you're watching the Olympics (except for any time that Downton Abbey or a mystery is on TV), and if you'd spent your entire life working out and practicing, which sport would you want to participate in? I realize these are only a few of the many winter Olympics sports.

Count me in for the ski jumping.

How about you?


'Amber Romance'
Natural, Handcrafted Vegan Soaps

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Empty Nester said...

You know, I've never been into watching the Olympics. I can remember watching a few things here and there over the years but, while I appreciate their athleticism, have just never really been a fan. Now, when they include football...LOL With my fear of heights and falling down, I'll just pick the snuggling with Tucker category. :)

Unknown said...

Ski jumping !!!
Are you going to post photos of your therapy - I want to see you skating with one leg up in the air like that LMHO !!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

none of the above, i don't do danger, my name is Chicken Little... hubby loves that tall ski thingy and would love to try that one. do they have READING in the Olympics? or blogging? how about Picmonkey Olympics... LOL.... great news on the hip and take photos when you do that therapy thing

Primitive Stars said...

Morning, been waiting for Canadian men's Hockey, we love this sport in Canada, EH!!!! Blessings Francine.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i had heard they were having really warm temps in the Russia area. wonder what that means for the snow melting at all? i had no clue that - that area was very recently built. who knew? it was such a learning experience for me. i love the news when that happens. i love learning. great times. ( :

Donna said...

After dealing with so many aches and pains over my life, I think I would opt for the curling event, LOL. I'm glad that you are still mending OK!

Susie said...

You said it....young and agile.I hate those moguls. I also thought the skelton was too scary.
Glad to read that you are improving. I know it could not have been easy. Keep up the good work towards healing. xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

I have never been Olympian material. I was built soft and cozy and to fit into an easy chair watching the Olympians.

No. I did not see the new Russian skater, but I want to! What I did see were the Russian pairs who took Gold and Silver. I was very happy to have landed on the figure skating portion of NBC. Yup. I really stuck it. Oh. I'm mixing my metaphors again...that'd be the Summer Olympics not the Winter ones.

I'm so glad that you are boogying right along after hip surgery. Yay!

TexWisGirl said...

i've had the olympics on in the background but haven't watched too much of it - but i did manage to catch the 15 y.o. skater. she really is phenomenal.

Anonymous said...

Continued best wishes for your recovery.
I love to watch figure skating. My nerves would prevent me from doing any of these sports!!!

RURAL said...

Nice to hear that someone else is scared stiff by those amazing atheletes too.

Glad to hear that your hip is progressing, good for you.


Heide at ApronHistory said...

I have always been drawn to the figure skating. But I never got the hang of skating, I think I was to afraid to fall.
Walking, gardening and fixing houses is as athletic as I get!

Terri D said...

Judy, I am so disappointed that I've only seen about an hour of the Olympics this year. Joe doesn't like watching and we have actually been too busy with the house, and now company coming. I LOVE the ice dancing and figure skating. I "grew up" on ice skates, so that would definitely be my choice - if I could start over at 6 years old, that is!! I skated on a lake, and could go forwards and backwards, but never tried a jump or spin, so it would have to be a start-over for me!

So happy to hear you are progressing nicely with the new hip! That is really good news!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I haven't watched the Olympics this year, I just can't seem to get myself to turn on the TV lately. But, if I were young and trained for it, I'd love to be a figure skater. I loved skating as a youngster, but would never have made it anywhere near the Olympic arena! lol!

podso said...

If I could I would be an ice skater, but I was never good at it. I just keep thinking about how these will all suffer from arthritis someday!

J_on_tour said...

The Snowboarding looks spectacular ... how they land on their feet and go into the next loop straight away I'll never know.
Hope the training for week 8 is going well !

Judy S. said...

The only winter sport I ever did was ice skating, but my leg would snap right off in a pose like that. Glad you're doing well! Stay warm!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love watching the Olympics! I'd love to be able to figure skate. I loved ice skating when I was young but gave it up when I was working and taking care of my children--there were just not enough hours in the day.

Being realistic, I think I'd now be able to handle snow shoeing. Other than that my knees would not be able to take the work!

Best wishes on your recovery. One of my good friends went through hip replacement surgery a few years ago and was back doing ballet within a year. She said it was the best thing she ever did for herself.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

hi Judy. Wow! week 8 therapy looks good, now I am dieting to see what you will be like on week 12!!!!!!! I agree, most of the events look scary to me too!

Lady Linda said...

So pleased that you are recovering from your hip surgery. My bubby has gone through all of that.
I like to watch the skating the best.
Happy Valentine's Day

Unknown said...

I'd be more of a summer sport Olympian.. the winter sports are too scary for me!! lol Actually, when I was younger, I wanted to go to the Olympics... hurdles, if you can believe that. But then I realized I wasn't as good and as dedicated as I thought I was, so I put that dream aside and partied my way through high school instead!! lol

Jean | said...

Judy, I haven't seen any of the Olympics (don't have television), but of the winter sports I would say figure skating would be my most likely event (though I've never done ice skating in my entire life). Glad you're on the mend and only 2 weeks away from skating with one leg sticking straight up in the air! :D

Denise said...

Prayers continue for you. I love ice skating.

Samantha said...

Sweeping & shouting? I've got curling covered without any specialist training!

I have loved watching the slope style though, it's so exciting!


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