Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Winter 2014, Will it Never End

On my phone this morning.

Remember the movie, Groundhog Day?
Well, it's a lot like that, except way colder
and not funny.

Any thoughts on winter where you live?
I'd like to think I'm not the only one whining about this.

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Babs said...

I know y'all must be sick of all the snow and cold. You've earned the right to whine. :)

Susie said...

It was 18 below zero this morning and I live in central Indiana...not the arctic..It will warm up to 16 and later this week to 30..that's more like it. So I know what you are saying about this unending winter. Thank the Lord for the pretty sunshine. He knows I need it. Blessings, keep warm, xoxo,Susie

Diane said...

You definitely are not the only one whining about winter. Everyone I know is. When you're looking forward to 20 degrees, there's a problem!

Susan said...

I have to say, our winter has not been that bad, but it does look like we'll be getting some of that white stuff this week. Just remember there's only 37 days to Spring! XOXO

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have been hearing more whining about snow and cold every day... will it ever stop is the song of the day....

Angela said...

Here in Texas, schools are closed today due to an ice storm! Very odd - seemingly unending - winter here, too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is too cold! It is snowing hard in GA today but we are at 33. Stay safe and warm.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

That stinks that it is so cold. It's too cold there!

The weather is ridiculous here. I'm getting worried. It's going to probably reach 90 this week and break a 100 year old record. It's 25 degrees above normal for February. We should be around 65 to 70 this time of year.

Sheesh it is only February! I can't imagine what it will be like in July. I hope it is not one of those years of 30 days over 110 and several at 115.

I wish I could send heat your way.

Terri D said...

Well, I won't rub it in, but it will be in the mid-70s here today. I love Florida!!

Please let us know how the PT is coming along, Judy, and how you are doing with that new hip! You remain in my prayers!!

TexWisGirl said...

we're definitely getting a cold, longer winter this year in (our) dallas area. i'm usually mowing lawn by now and in jan/feb we get spring flowers popping up in the yard. what has come up has frozen. :)

Vee said...

I predict that in five weeks, more or less, it will be a thing of the past. Hang tough! Have you started tap dancing lessons yet?

Ruth Kelly said...

You certainly have had a cold winter. Ours is about normal and they are predicting a high in the 50s this week - like a winter thaw!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

It is very cold for us, but it is warming today and will drop some later. You must understand we live in the sub tropics, and we wear fur coats at 60 degrees. ;-)

I am tired of the cold, and I am still under the covers in my flannels. Being near the Atlantic, we have a damp cold.



Carla from The River said...

I told the boys, this will be a winter they will be able to share with their grandkids. :-)

Like my grandpa did with me. :-)

At least the sun is warming everything up, even when it is cold out, I can feel that warm sun on my face as I sit in my south window.

podso said...

We're not as cold as you but we are finally having a whopper of a snow storm. I wonder if this will be it because I usually start mowing grass the end of February or early March. Glad to hear of your progress. :-)

Vintage Gal said...

Every day I wake up and say. Oh, something different ~ snow ~ I want SPRING ;-)

Muffy's Marks said...

With every phone call to my kids, they are getting more crabby and less tolerant of things. Thinking winter is really wearing on them.

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

I KNOW what you are saying! I'm with you on the Ground Hog Day.... and the whining! LOL

We are located just perfectly to receive the snow/cold weather blast from every direction! I am going to celebrate when winter has gone BYE BYE! :)

And that's all I have to say about that. Tee Hee.

Denise said...

Cannot wait until spring.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I am one of those who has been whining about this winter. It supposed to warm up above freezing temps later in the week, so I'm hopeful some of this snow will melt. Of course, then it will be another mess for me to gripe about. :) Take care!

Eileen H said...

Everyone complains about the weather. They're having record highs in Australia, you are having record lows. Here in the UK we are having rain, rain and more rain and another storm predicted for later today. Time to batten down the hatches!
Stay warm!

Chris K in Wisconsin said...

It has been a long Wisconsin winter. I see so many with a "countdown to Spring" going on, and I am afraid that they will be even more disappointed because we KNOW that in 36 days, although it may "officially" be Spring, it won't be what we are all wishing for. So many people w/ frozen pipes from the main lines. The frost depth is over 5 feet. There is a LOT of thawing ahead of us when it finally hits above freezing for a few days! Then we will be bemoaning the heat before you know it. We are like Goldilocks,,, it is never JUST QUITE RIGHT. :>)

lynn said...

All is well in South Dakota. Not so much snow but so cold it has been.

Cynthia said...

You are telling me it is like the movie Groundhog Day!!! We thought our house would be so much further along and actually finished soon. The weather in NJ is so cold they have had to put so many important things on hold. Will be posting soon. We are so frustrated and we are supposed to get another 12" tomorrow!!!


Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

No snow, no cold temps here; but we had this afternoon our 4th winter storm of the month (and it's only been 12 days)! We are sick of it and so many houses are flooded! I hope warmer temps are on their way for you.

Chatty Crone said...

No, I don't think so!!!!!! And we are in ice now for the second day with no end in site. As long as we have electricity. More snow to come. Sandie

J_on_tour said...

We had a light dusting of snow yesterday, first time for the winter at low level. The floods in the south of the country are awful, some spots have been like that for a month.

Judy S. said...

Brrrr! We had a bit of snow here even, but nothing like the rest of the world. Hang in there, and try to stay warm!


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