Wednesday, February 19, 2014


This post was prompted by Joyce's Hodgepodge for this week.

Something in her answer to #1 made me ponder this question: Are we more tolerant? 

We talk about tolerance ad nauseam in this country, but in reality, are extremely intolerant to those with views different to our own. Take a look at man-made 'global warming,' for example, oddly pushed during a winter that's longer and colder than we've had for a long time. The key word here is 'man-made.' Anyone who doesn't buy into it is called a 'flat Earther.'

Have you noticed that 'Science' has become consensus, rather than experimentation and observation...or for that matter, historical record. They even say, 'There's consensus in the scientific community.'  Since when did science involve shutting out anyone with a view different to ours? We're all so narcissistic and living in the moment that we forget there are millennia of history to consider, and the fact that historical record involves more than the past 100 years. We want more to be 'liked' than to hold out for more information and to critically weigh both sides of an issue. 

I wouldn't be in such a rant this morning (well, maybe) except that I watched Frontline last night, 'Generation Like,' and it made me realize what a generation of gullible, non-critical thinking, narcissistic and empty, soulless, children we're raising in this country. These children are on the computer several hours a day, desperately hunting for affirmation, for virtual 'friends,' for approval and excitement. It was very depressing. And they're being encouraged by soulless, empty 'parents.'

You can watch it here:  FRONTLINE: 'GENERATION LIKE'  

And just remember: these children are going to vote some day. They may not know where the U.S. is on a map, or anything about history or mathematics, they may not have any real friends, but they'll be great sheep for any shepherd who'll tell them what they want to hear, who will 'like' them, and who will make them feel cool.

And as in a murder mystery, 'Follow the Money,' is always good advice to determine why we're being played for fools.

Okay, this is a bit rambling. But I don't have time to rewrite. Must get off this computer and off the couch! My new hip needs walking.




Denise said...

Speak on sister. Praying for your new hip, love you.

Sunny Simple Life said...

I try to be more tolerant as I get older. But I agree that folks don't want to hear the other side very often. I find I am not so black and white as when I was younger. Hope you are feeling well. Bet you are ready for some sunshine and warm temps.

Ruth Kelly said...

Love that photo. Many of the younger generation may just follow like sheep but I still have very strong values which do not change with the wind. It is a bit scary to think about the youngsters voting but in many cases, many do not take the time to even do that.

Leslie Anne Tarabella said...

I had an "experience" with a group of teens this past weekend who were demanding and rude. These are kids from supposedly nice families!

But every time I get discouraged by their behavior, another group will do the right thing, restoring my hope.

You are right to say it starts with the parents.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Judy. I agree with you and yes it is all to how the parent/s bring the child up.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

My husband and I both concur. We just had this same conversation a day ago! And if you are a. Christian, God help you!

On the volunteer sector, I have never seen more shallow young people. I thank God my godchildren don't act like that way. It is terrible.

I am glad you addressed this. It reminds me of a quote by CS Lewis about mind control and the thought police.



Terra said...

I agree with you that intolerance is often expressed toward people including me who do not believe people are causing global warming. The planet has warmed and cooled in cycles throughout its existence, with many ice ages coming and going.

Chatty Crone said...

This is a tough subject. In a way I think the world has gotten too tolerant. This generation seems lost. Remember when we were younger how we spoke in wonderment of living in the USA and we loved our flag - we worked hard in school - we fought for our beliefs.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the world gets worse by the moment.
but then I see that photo of beautiful old brick, beautiful old wood, beautiful old stones and I remember the world has been her a long time and nothing ever changes, from Adam and Eve with Cain and Abel to the Romans with Cesar and all those guys, intolerance, greed and hate have reigned....

Debby Ray said...

I tend to agree with Chatty... there seems to be no dividing line between right and wrong anymore and when a Christian disagrees with someone who chooses something like homosexuality for instance, we/they are called haters...and worse. As far as global warming is concerned, I believe it is part of God's prophesy of the end times coming to Luke 21it speaks of odd weather patterns, earthquakes, etc... sometimes I wonder how much longer the world can go on. Oh well, I certainly don't have any answers only to keep believing that God has it taken care of!Interesting topic and comments!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Love the photo. Got to keep that hip moving. Tolerance is an interesting thing :)

xo Laura

Parsley said...

Thank you.... And I hope your hip gets better and better!

Terri D said...

Amen, Judy. Amen!!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Your rambling had some very good points! I worry about the younger generation and social media. Wishing you the best with your hip!

Donna said...

It seems that I am insulted on a regular basis these days by members of the current Administration and their minions. It is a bullying tactic of leftists to assign put-down names to people who hold different views. It is rather ironic that the leftists cry and whine about tolerance, and then they demonstrate complete intolerance of conservatives.

The science of so-called climate change is not settled, and the whole debate has nothing to do with science. The end-game is redistribution of our hard-earned money. Yes, this nuclear and environmental engineer is a proud member of the so-called "Flat Earth Society."

People need to stand up for their beliefs, and we should always question what our politicians are saying. They are not working for our best interests. They are working for their own. It is shocking and disappointing that the voters have been hoodwinked so many times, but they have been voting based on some very superficial criteria.

Unfortunately, I have a pretty jaded opinion of whether our youth can turn things around. They have already been brainwashed through the public schools, and they typically don't question the mindless sound bites that are thrown out for them to swallow. ("If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period.")

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Very well written post and I'm in complete agreement with you and many of the comments here. Also, ditto what Donna said. Particularly her first paragraph. I fear for our country and wonder how much worse it can get before the end comes.
Hope your hip continues to improve! Take care.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Love that picture!
Very interesting post. I think we have forgotten what tolerance is and what it looks like in day to day living. People are getting intolerance confused with knowing what is right and wrong and so are throwing right and wrong out the window.

Anonymous said...

I am not yet twenty-six years old, yet I agree with much of what you say here. I feel that social media has certainly damaged society. I have heard of people taking pictures of their children's cuts and bruises for Facebook...before even doing anything about the wounds! Not to mention the people who pull out their cell phones and constantly take pictures of everything, because getting "likes" and comments is more important than actually living the experience.

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

I agree. I was just saying today, that it's funny how some people consider themselves very tolerant, but they shut down anyone who does not think like they do...uhm...

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Not dismissing your serious points. But one thing I can't stand is intolerance.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Well said. I agree with you. I worry about the upcoming generation too. The entitlement attitude is what bothers me the most. I don't know how we turn it around, that's the sad part. I just pray, knowing that God is in control.


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