Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hodgepodging Awe and Wonder

Winter Past

Join Joyce and the Gang
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and link up.

1.What's something you wish you knew how to do, but feel like it's too late to learn?

I think that unless someone aspires to be a brain surgeon, there probably aren't many things one can't learn to do at just about any point in life, providing one's health is adequate to the task. Recently, I made myself some musical notation flash cards for the notes above and below the staff which I never learned comfortably well, and should have done when I was about 10. I can often guess, but it would be nice, rather than guessing or having to figure out that, oh yes, that's the D above high C, I would know it at a glance. I want to finally get those firmly planted in my brain because I love to sit down and learn a piece of music on the piano, and not have to stop and figure out a note.

I just purchased a wonderful spiral-bound Carol book, titled  "100 Carols for Choirs," edited and arranged by David Willcocks & John Rutter. I love these arrangements and had been hunting for a book that would contain the carols I love from The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols sung at King's College, Cambridge each Christmas Eve.

Pay no attention to the prices on Amazon. I think I got mine for about $19.00 at with free shipping. It's new and spiral-bound. Perfect.

2. Your least favorite thing to shop for? Why?

Clothes. For one thing, they're always overpriced, and not made as well as they should be, and very few items really appeal to me. I know what I like, and it's usually not there, probably because it's at a better shop with higher prices...but also, I dislike shopping for clothes because I hate dragging an armload of clothes into a fitting room, trying them all on, and not finding anything I like anyway. Needless to say, I don't go clothes shopping very almost never.

3. How has the celebration of Thanksgiving today changed from when you were growing up?

When I was growing up, all the cousins would be there, around the table. Today I don't even know where most of my cousins live.

4. What's something that when other people see it, reminds them of you? Explain.

I have no idea what, or if anything, reminds other people of me. Possibly if there's a snowstorm, they might remember me complaining about the snow and cold. If they see a book by Chesterton, Sproul, Lewis, or Wright on bookstore shelves (fat chance that), or if they hear John Rutter music, they might possibly be reminded of me.  OR if they see photos of Yorkshire sheep. Maybe.

 Sheep at Bolton Abbey
Do they get any cuter than this?? 

 Sheep and 'fence' near Hawes, North Yorkshire

5. If you could guest star in a TV show, what would it be and why?

If I could guest star in a TV show, I'd probably overdose on the last of my painkiller to avoid it.

6. Have you ever farmed or spent any time on a farm? Are there farm stands in your little corner of the world and do you make it a point to shop there? If so, what item do you particularly like to buy from a roadside stand or farm shop?

I grew up on a farm and live on a farm now, so I have a lot of experience with farms. We grow vegetables and berries and apples, along with lots of volunteer burdock and crab grass, so I rarely go to a farm stand. When I do go to the farmer's market, it's to walk around and see all the pretty stands of vegetables, fruit, flowers, woodcrafts, handmade items, and get a bison burger for supper.

7. What's something you've experienced recently that made you feel a sense of awe or wonder?

 Sunrise, November 24, 2015

Starting with the gorgeous sunrise, there are so many things which daily make me feel a sense of awe toward God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. Not just beautiful trees, rushing rivers, fields of grain, intricate designs in nature, and animals to share this world with us, but also Beauty, Music, Joy, Love, Kindness, Peace. These are all from God, and oddly enough, He allows even those who hate him to experience these wonderful gifts, for the time being. That's grace.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

For an audio and visual treat, here are the boy treble choristers of St. Paul's Cathedral singing, 'For The Beauty of The Earth.' I love this arrangement.

For the Beauty of the Earth
- John Rutter

For the beauty of the earth; For the beauty of the skies, 
For the love which from our birth over and around us lies,
Over and around us lies,
Lord of all, to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise.

For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night, 
Hill and vale and tree and flower, Sun and moon and stars of light,
Sun and moon and stars of light.
 Lord of all, to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise.

For the joy of human love, Brother, sister, parent, child, 
friends of earth, and friends above, 
For all gentle thoughts and mild,
For all gentle thoughts and mild.
 Lord of all to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise.

For each perfect gift of thine 
to our race so freely given, 
Graces human and divine, Flow'rs of earth and buds of heav'n,
Flow'rs of earth and buds of heav'n.
 Lord of all to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise.

Moonrise, November 24, 2015

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, friends!
Counting blessings,


This post is linked to

Note:  I will not be blogging for a week or so. I hope everyone has a wonderful time with family and friends this weekend. Stay safe.


TexWisGirl said...

love the sheep at the old fireplace! happy thanksgiving to you and yours.

Joyce said...

Sunrise is my favorite time of day. We went to St. Paul's Carol concert the week of Christmas when we lived in England. So so lovely! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Unknown said...

Visiting from hodgepodge - The sheep are so cute. I have seen them many times but never knew what they were called. They are my favorite.

I love what gives you a sense of awe. There is no end to the wonder we could feel if we just take the time to marvel at our God.

Cathy said...

Your sunrise and moonrise pictures are gorgeous!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Arlene G said...

Happy Thanksgiving Judy!! I miss the times with my cousins around the table and although I know where they live, we seldom get together any more. We all lament the fact that we only see each other at funerals these days.


Happy Thanksgiving. Loved the sheep. I look forward to them each week. I have 9 first cousins and when our moms were alive we would have riotous Thanksgivings. Now we are scattered and have children with children so Thanksgivings are different. You answered my random question with another of my favorite songs. Loved visiting with you today.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love the sheep, beautiful sunrise and the moon shot. I do like shopping for clothes, I tend to buy the same item different colors. I miss the big dinners with my cousins too, but without the cousins I will have 16 people for dinner tomorrow. Have a happy day!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Barbara said...

From here on out, I will think of you when I see pictures of Yorkshire sheep. They are so beautiful.

Thank you for sharing the video. I love to hear boys' choirs. One of my favs is "Lift Thine Eyes from Elijah" in the album Heavenly Voices by Stephen Cleobury.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We'll "read" you when you get back to blogging! ;o)

Empty Nester said...

Sunrises will definitely put us in touch with the awesomeness of the universe. I agree with you on shopping for clothes and the quality. What happened that we got to the point where manufacturers don't care about quality? Are we really that complacent and greedy? Anyway, is that snow I see in the pictures there right now? LUCKY! Wishing you and your lovely family a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Terri D said...

I think of you when I see sheep or anything English!! Hodgepodge is always fun!! Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving!

Linda Kay said...

Judy, so enjoyed your post this morning. We will be caroling next month with our choir, so we should find your book. My younger brother is beginning the cousin tradition, as he has three boys and among them are eight cousins, all under nine years old. The are together this week for Thanksgiving. Have a really special Thanksgiving Day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I always wanted to play the drums and second wish was learn the piano. ditto every single word about shopping that you wrote, my exact feelins.
i miss our old TG dinners.. same thing. my dad's brothers and his sister and my parents and me and ALL the cousins were there. now there is only 5 cousins alive and thier children.. all the family is deceased and us 5 cousins live in 5 different places. I do know where they live and am in rare contact with them..

Chatty Crone said...

Sunrise is a gift and how I love your photos. I think I have missed the boat on a few things myself tho. I also remember the holidays with family and a lot of them are gone - so those are some of the things I miss. Happy thanksgiving! Sandie

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

So beautiful, Judy! St Paul's boys choir...just lovely!! And the sheep--well you know I'm swooning. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ♥

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Your sunrise and moonrise pictures are awe inspiring! Beautiful! And no..... your Yorkshire sheep could not get any cuter! ;)

Susie said...

Judy, Your zoom lens is wonderful I loved your moon shot. My pinks were in the sunset. I rarely get a good view of sunrises here. Blessings to you and yours for thanksgiving. xoxo,Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a beautifully written post. We are so very blessed my friend. And I just worked on a card to put on my post tomorrow of the moon. Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs, Diane

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love that you grew up on a farm and still live on one. I love them so much! I also love your answer for awe and wonder. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.....

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I hope you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

Red Rose Alley said...

I loved seeing your snow picture, Judy. I wish it snowed here, what a sight that would be. I know what you mean about shopping for clothes - no fun for me any more. That sunset is really something else, what a great picture. How fun that you grew up on a farm. So many interesting things to see and do.

Happy Thanksgiving, Judy. I'm thankful for your friendship here in blogland.


Red Rose Alley said...

Oooops, I meant sunrise. :)


Deb said...

Your answer to guest starring on a tv show put me on the floor. And believe me, I need to laugh. Enjoyed this post so much. Hugs, Deb

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Just love this Judy!! I'm with you in that it's always good to keep on learning.

And a sunrise or a sunset bring God immediately present in my mind and I feel like it's a little painting He shares to help us remember what good work He does. We live in such a beautiful world - we just need to care for it and each other quite a bit better.

I always LOVE your photos of sheep!! I want to go on a trip to Europe so badly when I see them.

WAsn't the moon last night magical. I did a bit of gazing. ;)
I'm off to the kitchen to finish more cooking and baking. Wishing you a very blessed Thanksgiving dear Lady. xoxo

Rose said...

I totally agree with you about the clothes shopping...enjoyed reading your other answers.

Rose said...

Oh, have a Happy Thanksgiving!

podso said...

Enjoyed these and the photos too. Great sheep photos and the moon capture --why, I saw the same moon! LOL. It was gorgeous yesterday. Tonight too.

L. D. said...

Your have shared so many nice things. Great read and i love the sheep. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Susan said...

Loved those sweet sheep, Judy, and the lovely choir boys! Nice post, Judy. May your holiday be very blessed. Susan

Anita Johnson said...

I LOVE your attitude about learning... I guess you are right! I can learn anything...I may not be great, but who cares! I miss the old Thanksgivng dinners too, and now wonder how on earth my mom and aunts pulled off these huge dinners with all the cousins in attendance. Wow! And I don't like to shop at all. And I think people think of me when they see great skies...I'm always touches me when someone calls and asks me if I got a picture of it Or maybe a Monarch butterfly too.
I I love these posts of yours. I get to know a bit about you and it makes me stop and think about myself too. I love the song you added, a favorite of mine, another would be "This is my Father's World" . The heavens really do declare His glory. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I know we both would agree, we have so much to be thankful for.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Happy Thanksgiving. I hate all kinds of shopping. Love the sheep, and the music as well as the sky shot

Anonymous said...

So glad to see hodgepodgers that don't believe the myth that it's too late to learn!

Also loving the sheep!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Happy Thanksgiving! -- and I so agree that it's not to late to learn a LOT of things.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, my friend. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours.

This N That said...

Lovely post..HAppy THanksgiving to you and your family..

Smalltowngiggles said...

The only thing I can think of that might remind people of me would be strong winds. Everyone that knows me knows I hate the wind. Gee, I wonder if that is because I complain about the when it blows hard. And shopping? forget it. I love online shopping. Loved this post. Enjoy your break.

Primitive Stars said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!!!!! Love the post with pictures, Blessings Francine.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love your mosaic shots. love all the snow. so fluffy looking it seems. love the sun & moon shots too. what a great post. Happy Thanksgiving. ( :

Lowcarb team member said...

That sunrise picture is spectacular -
The choristers voices are beautiful -

Happy Thanksgiving

All the best Jan

Jean | said...

Always love your answers, Judy. And *I* always think of you when I see sheep, dry stone walls, barns and fences!

GreenComotion said...

Beautiful photos of the sheep and the sunset.
Is that a Aussie Shepherd or a Border Collie in the collage - just curious.
I love dogs and cats.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

Stephanie said...

My, what a lovely song. My son and I enjoyed listening to it :)

As always, your post was a delight to read. I am like you and often dislike shopping for clothes. It never used to be that way, but you are right, things just aren't made well anymore.

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, dear Judy. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots!

Arun Muthusamy said...

Lovely capture of the moon

Debbie said...

what a wonderful and fun entry judi!!! the sheep images are awesome and your skies look just like mine, our sunrises and sunsets have been amazing!!!

i do all my shopping online except food shopping and i despise it....i have learned everything i need to know and enjoy, i don't think i can fit one more thing in this overloaded brain of mine. really, i can't!!! i have a life, very satisfied!!!!

our moons have been amazing as well!!!!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Nice collage! I'm feeling sheepish after yesterday's feast. Happy Thanksgiving!

Irene said...

Great captures ... wish you a great weekend!


Judy S. said...

Love your moon photo! It looked the same here as it was clear for once, and we could see it!

Denise said...

great answers

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Number Five : BUST OUT LAUGHING ! :)

I would think of you when I see yorkshire sheep, yes :)

Beautiful moon photo!

Kay G. said...

Lovely post.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The sheep with black faces are so sweet, think I like them better than the ones that are all white. I had never heard this hymn Judy and I enjoyed it immensely, especially since the words meant a lot to me. Why haven't all music books been published with spiral rings? Although I haven't played for a while, trying to keep a book propped open is a real feat!
Have a restful week away from blogging.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I love this posting. I also love the sheep with the black faces. Your moon photo is very nice, too. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Debby Ray said...

Beautiful photos...lovely moon shot and oh those sheep are just precious. This is about the 3rd or 4th blog post that has had "For the Beauty of the Earth" on it. I love that old hymn and we did a more contemporary version...a medley of sorts combined with "Give Thanks" at our church for Thanksgiving. I was so shocked that many had never heard the old hymn before! Happy Tuesday!

Gillena Cox said...

Luv your sheep and your beautiful sunset

much love...

Ida said...

Sorry to be late commenting. We had company over the holiday and then I got sick so I'm just now getting around to commenting on GF - This was such a beautiful post, I'm sorry that I was so late getting around to viewing it. Loved your random stuff and that wonderful photo of the sheep and their rock wall fence.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Judy your moonrise pick is stunning! My older brother and college freshman nephew were out to visit the Grand Canyon on thanksgiving weekend - and they said the moon was spectacular out there - so bright and vivid with no city lights to detract!

Your little black faced sheep are so cute!!!!

Enjoyed your post very much! Have a blessed Advent season! : - )


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