Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hodgepodging Light and Heavy

Good Fences 
Drystone Walls, my favorite
South of Kettlewell
in the Yorkshire Dales

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join up!

1. What's surprised you most about your life, or about life in general?

When I was a kid, I expected that I would die in my 30s (as an elderly person) before a firing squad.  I'm not sure why that was, but maybe too much TV and espionage movies. Anyway...but here I am, still alive. Another thing that's surprised me about life in general is how long it took to get the point where life seems short.

The Man From...

And here's an interesting tidbit about the name of the show (from Wikipedia):

"Concerns by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer legal department about using "U.N." for commercial purposes resulted in the producers' clarification that U.N.C.L.E. was an acronym for the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement. Each episode had an "acknowledgement" to the U.N.C.L.E. in the end titles." 

2. Among others, these ten words were added to the Oxford English Dictionary this year...awesomesauce, beer o'clock, brain fart, buttdial, cat cafe (apparently this is a real thing), fatberg (gross-read the definition here), fat shame, hangry, Mx (gender neutral), and skippable. 

Your thoughts? In looking over the list, which word do you find most ridiculous? Which word would you never in a million years say out loud? Which word would you be most likely to use in conversation?

Shudder.  If you ever hear me use the words 'awesomesauce,' 'beer o'clock,' 'brain fart,' 'buttdial,' 'fatberg,' 'fat shame,' 'hangry,' or 'Mx,' you might as well bring out the firing squad. 

My cat told me she loves the idea of a cat cafe. But now that I've told her what the actual definition is, she's not so pleased. She doesn't want anyone touching her, thank you, or having to feign friendliness to perfect strangers.

 Tuppence, in one of her less ladylike poses
'Back off.'

'Skippable,' on the other hand, is the perfect word to use in many situations. And the rest of my thoughts on this are propa skippable, like.

Knowing that those other words have been added to The Oxford English Dictionary, and that it was published by Oxford University Press, makes me reconsider the trustworthiness of my Oxford Book of Carols.

3. Do you like gravy? Is there a food you'd rather not eat unless it comes with gravy? Do you make your own or buy the canned or store-made variety? Turkey and gravy, sausage gravy, mashed potatoes and gravy, country ham and red eye gravy, biscuits and chocolate gravy, pot roast and gravy...which one on the list is your favorite?

Mr. C., just yesterday, showed me a newspaper ad that told of canned gravy on sale, 10 cans for $1.00. You couldn't give me canned gravy! Ewww.  The only gravy I like (or trust) at all is the gravy I occasionally make after simmering the giblets in water, along with a bay leaf and peppercorns, and using that stock with the turkey 'drippings,' (I'm sure that's what my mom called it) to make a nice, tasty gravy. About once a year.

Turkey 'drippings' sounds pretty disgusting, when you think about it. 

Turkey Drippings?

4. Do you have a plan? Do you need a plan? Have you ever had a plan fall into a trillion pieces? Explain.

Yes, I like a plan. (ISTJ, remember.) Right now I don't have a plan and feel a bit like floating, which is an uneasy feeling for me. I don't remember having a plan fall in a trillion pieces. It helps not to have unrealistic expectations. They usually work out, and I'm a pretty careful planner, but one should be prepared for interruptions and derailments.

Names blacked out to protect the less guilty

5. November 19 is National Play Monopoly Day. Do you own the original or some version of the game? Do you enjoy playing Monopoly? How likely is it you'll play a game of Monopoly on November 19th? Ever been to Atlantic City? Ever taken a ride on a railroad? Is parking in your town free? Last thing you took a chance on?

It took me a sec to realize that all of these questions were related! I do have the original Monopoly plus a London version plus a kids' version. I doubt that I'll be playing Monopoly on the 19th. I've never been to Atlantic City, the parking in our town is free (and believe me, no one has to hunt for a parking space), and I have been on a train. Someday I want to travel on the Settle-Carlisle RR, but that won't be for a bit.  The last thing I took a chance on was parking directly across from W.A. Frost on the night of the wedding reception. It was a 2-hour parking spot, but it all worked out.

  Settle-Carlisle RR, Ribblehead Viaduct

6. A song you like that has the word (or some form of the word) thanks in the title, lyrics, or meaning?

'Now Thank We All Our God'  I can still remember the German words of the first couple lines, from when our high school choir sang that in concert! Here is the first verse:

Now thank we all our God,
with heart and hands and voices,
who wondrous things has done,
in whom this world rejoices;
who from our mothers' arms
has blessed us on our way
with countless gifts of love,
and still is ours today. 

A bit more about that hymn, 'Now Thank We All Our God,' or, in German, 'Nun Danket Alle Gott,' which I found interesting, and thought you might too:

From Wikipedia:

"Now thank we all our God" is a popular Christian hymn. It is a translation from the German "Nun danket alle Gott", written c. 1636 by Martin Rinkart, which in turn was inspired by Sirach, chapter 50 verses 22–24, from the praises of Simon the high priest. It was translated into English in the 19th Century by Catherine Winkworth.

"Martin Rinkart was a Lutheran minister who came to Eilenburg, Saxony at the beginning of the Thirty Years' War. The walled city of Eilenburg became the refuge for political and military fugitives, but the result was overcrowding, and deadly pestilence and famine. Armies overran it three times. The Rinkart home was a refuge for the victims, even though he was often hard-pressed to provide for his own family. During the height of a severe plague in 1637, Rinkart was the only surviving pastor in Eilenburg, conducting as many as 50 funerals in a day. He performed more than 4000 funerals in that year, including that of his wife."

7. In keeping with this month's theme of gratitude....what is something you're taking for granted that when you stop and think about it, you're grateful for?

The ability to breathe easily, and having fresh, clean air to breathe. One of the advantages of beautiful, clean NW Wisconsin. Admittedly, during the months of November through March it's fresh and clean and COLD, but still...

Wisconsin - Fresh, Clean Air

8. Insert your own random thought here.

God grant our nation a generous heart,
To accept those who are truly refugees fleeing persecution,
Courage to refuse those who are intent upon destroying our country,
And wisdom to insist that our officials understand the difference.

In case you're not yet convinced that we're up against a culture of death, check out these two Frontline programs that were on PBS last night. They're definitely an eye opener. The links below will take you to the videos of the two Frontline programs. Each is about 20 minutes.  In three weeks, Frontline will be airing the program, 'The Rise of ISIS.'


This post is linked to
Theresa's GOOD FENCES 
and Eileen's Saturday's Critters


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Denise said...

liked your answers.

A Joyful Chaos said...

We used to sing the German version of Now Thank We All Our God at our Thanksgiving church service every year while I was growing up. Loved it!

Deb said...

I like your random thought (prayer) and will be keeping it close. I always enjoy your answers; some are hilarious. Deb

eileeninmd said...

Good morning, great answers! I did not know about National Monopoly Day. I enjoy making Thanksgiving Day turkey gravy, YUM! The rise of ISIS is scary.. have a happy day!

Nonnie said...

I am so with you on gravy and your comment about turkey drippings made me laugh! Thanks for the background story on the hymn and for the prayer in your random thought. I have tried to put myself in the shoes of the refugee and thought much about America and our "Give me your tired, your poor." I just don't know if I can bear to watch those shows. I already have read too much.

Sandi said...

"When I was a kid, I expected that I would die in my 30s (as an elderly person) before a firing squad. I'm not sure why that was, but maybe too much TV and espionage movies. Anyway...but here I am, still alive. Another thing that's surprised me about life in general is how long it took to get the point where life seems short."

I can so relate to this. Not sure why. I read Anne Frank as a child, and the Hiding Place. It's a hard thing to explain, but an easy thing to understand. How is that?

I agree about our leaders needing wisdom. There comes a time, though, when even wisdom is not enough...we need God.

Joyce said...

A firing squad? I had a vivid imagination too (still do, my hubs would say), but don't think this was ever something I imagined happening to me. I say turkey drippings. Or pan drippings. That's what makes gravy good : )

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never heard any of the words in that list for the dictionary and might use skippable, none of the rest and i had to look up cat cafe to see what it means. i might do that, go in and pet cats but cats don't like to be petted so i will start a dog cafe... i would go to a donkey/cow/horse/deer anything with four legs cafe.

in the deep south we were raised with gravy on the table for every meal. gravy made from the grease left over from fried meat, with flour and milk. rice and gravy was a staple. in KY they even used the crisco use to fry chicken to make white gravy so thick it would balance on a spoon. yum and killer food. which brings me to the

what surprised me most question... the fact i lived past 63 and am now 71 and have no diabetes. my mother, her sister, her mother all died just before they turned 63 and all of them and 5 aunts had diabetes.

Arlene G said...

I loved your response to the new definitions in the dictionary Judy! Made me LOL this am. As to in the south we eat a milk gravy over our biscuits along with some bacon or sausage. My husband had never heard of it until he moved up "north" from Savannah, GA. It is truly my favorite comfort food! Turkey gravy I can take it or leave it....I usually have a bit on my dressing at Thanksgiving. Love all your hodgepodge and the pictures you shared!

Allstarme79 said...

I agree: canned gravy sounds downright awful. In fact, a lot of things they choose to can are downright gross.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

I am so glad that you didn't go up against a firing squad, dear Judy. Isis scares me to death so I don't know whether I will tune into those programs for fear of not being able to sleep. Have a fabulous week.


Canned gravy is the grossest thing ever. One of the first things my mom and dad taught me to make was good gravy. I can make tomato, white, and brown and they are delicious. My husband makes amazing gravy. He loves it. I can take of leave it.

April said...

Nope...canned gravy is not my cup of tea, at all. BLECH! Sorry to inform you that I use 'brain fart' from time-to-time. It's my dry sense of humor kicking in, I guess. Before I forget, I LOVED the soaps I ordered from you. They smell absolutely DIVINE! My girls will love them!

Carla from The River said...

Canned gravy = GROSS!!

Thank you for the information about the programs.
Well said, random thought!

Linda Kay said...

Judy, entertaining and informative post this morning. I couldn't eat canned gravy either, and I love sausage gravy with biscuits for breakfast, even though it's the worst possible thing I should eat.

Susie said...

Judy, I loved the fences. Waste not want not... I read about the new words...oh my some would be better left to just fade away, not but in the dictionary.LOL Blessings, xoxo,Susie

podso said...

Those words are mostly ridiculous. Though I like skippable. Turkey drippings is the way I've heard it and the way I make it once a year, but I never thought of it THAT way until this post! :-) Oh my.

Your random thought at the end is about the most intelligent one I've read on the subject.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

First off, I loved the photo of the endless dry stacked walls in the Yorkshire Dales...and your photo of Wisconsin at the end---just beautiful. I've never heard the words you speak of and would probably never use them. I must live on another planet. I guess that's what all old people say. ♥

L. D. said...

It is great to read your answers. I like that last photo of blue skies with clouds. I really like your cat.

Chatty Crone said...

Love your answers and photos. I like gravy myself.
And a plan - us ISTJ do make plans. lol

Terri D said...

I haven't thought of that hymn in a long time, but I know the tune and sang it as I read the words. We sang that in the UMC I grew up in. Thanks for the good memory! Will have to remember to watch the PBS show about ISIS. Scary stuff, but we do need to hear about it and understand what we are up against. Satan is working hard...we have to work harder.

TexWisGirl said...

those walls - awesomesauce! ;)

love your clean, clear, cold wisconsin air, too!

NanaDiana said...

I love your answers, Judy. OMGosh- can you believe those words are in the DICTIONARY?!!! Seriously!!!

Your warning at the end is not to be taken lightly. I hope people realize what we are up against here. It is not like the "old days" of civil unrest...this is deeper and more insidious. Scary stuff!

Hope you had a good "clean air breathing" kind of day- xo Diana

Sue said...

Enjoyed your thoughts on the questions today, Judy! i could hardly believe the the new words added to the Dictionary, it seems they have run out of things to do!
Thanks for sharing,

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

This was a fun read Judy ( I don't do this meme, so yours was the first and only list I've read). Those words, good grief! I guess the English language is always evolving, but .... ( I guess I have to admit I sort of understand hangry if it means what I assume it does. I'm not at my best if I am not fed regularly! )

The only thing we truly enjoyed about Atlantic City when we visited there ( when we RVd up the East Coadt) was the streets with the Monopoly names. Yeah, I know the city came first, but not in our experience.

EG CameraGirl said...

I always enjoy reading your answers, Judy. I admire your honesty, openness and sense of humour. As for the Oxford Dictionary, I am extremely disappointed. The ONLY word I would use is skippable.

Christine said...

Hi Judy & thanks for your fun honest answers to somewhat strange questions & for the lovely photos! I'd love to take that train ride too!
As for the Oxford English Dictionary including such .... Verbiage... It has fallen to new lows... Talk about dumbing down!
Oh & I enjoy singing that hymn too!

Vee said...

Before a firing squad?! Talk about a vivid imagination...

Interesting backstory on the hymn...

I like your reworked prayer...I would prefer to err on the side of caution...

... means that I could say so much more, but won't.

Jean | said...

Judy, as always, I love your answers! Can't stand that Oxford (or anyone else) accepts those as real words. Like you, I can handle 'skippable' but the rest are, well, skippable! Glad to hear Tuppence is keeping her standards high!

Cheryl said...

I don't think either of my cats would enjoy the cat cafe either. One would panic (he has issues); the other would never tolerate it. In fact, cats are so persnickety, I can hardly imagine a cat that would be suitable for a cat cafe.

I am also with you on NO canned gravy (ick!) and YES to a plan. I love a plan...even if it has to be changed.

I will admit to liking the word "hangry." :)

Anonymous said...

Nice fences.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Enjoyed reading the questions and answers

Ida said...

Great shot of the fence/rock walls, I'd love to see that in real life. - Enjoye the "hodge podge" answers. It's funny but when I was a kid I thought I'd be dead by the year of 2000 and well like you here I am and wondering now why life seems to have flown by so quickly. - I agree those are words I probably wouldn't use in a million years although I have heard of some of them.

Debbie said...

i do like those stone walls that act like fences, we always see a lot of them in CT. my biggest surprise in life is my health. i never drank, never did drugs, ate well, always active and here i am with MS, doesn't make sense!!!!

i enjoyed these questions, and your answers!!!!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

those clouds are amazing. what a gorgeous rural shot. so so pretty. hope you are well today. have a happy Thanksgiving. i can't believe how time is flying by so quick. take care. ( :

Buttercup said...

I'm with you on "awesomesauce." If I ever say that my near and dear will know that the Zombie apocalypse has taken over my body and especially, my mind. I'm with you on planning. I've always got a list going and I love to cross things off it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you must be going 100 miles an hour to write a post like this! Just read today an article of Joel Rosenberg (he has written several political thrillers) on that the next president will have to deal with Iran - that should be a food focus in how to cast a vote:)

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I always love your answers Judy. The firing squad thing is kind of scary - especially if you had those thoughts when you were so young!

You always crack me up. Especially the dictionary words and gravy thing. Lol ;)

I was catching up on your prior post and loving the wedding photos. So pretty and you sure have a beautiful family!

blessings on the weekend ahead xoxo

Jenny Woolf said...

Interesting, I agree with pretty well everything you've written here. Apart from the air in Wisconsin, which I have never breathed for myself. Still, perhaps I'll take your word for it. I always like "Now Thank we All Our God" - it always seemed a very noble tune.
Oh, and actually I didn't think I'd die before a firing squad, although 30 did seem to be about the limit of how far ahead I could seriously imagine.


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