Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Hodgepodging Homemade White Bread

November 2, 2015 near sunset
Bill's Triangle
A Favorite

This view, which I fondly call 'Bill's Triangle,' includes a portion of our alfalfa field and Neighbor Bill's field and trees across the road.  Mr. C. can't understand, for the life of him, why I've taken so many photos of this view. 'I think you have hundreds of photos of that same view,' he said. But what he doesn't understand is that on November 2, just before sunset, it looks just the weeest bit different from all the others. Y'all get this, right? I knew you'd understand.

Join Joyce and the Gang
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and link up!

1. Besides Thanksgiving, something you're looking forward to on your November calendar?

We're looking forward to our first grandchild's wedding this month. She and her fiance will be married at Landmark Center in St. Paul, a beautiful site for a wedding.

 at her bridal shower a couple weeks ago

2.  If I gave you a thank you card right now who would you send it to and why?

I would send it to our pastor and thank him for being a faithful man of God. OR
I would send it to N.T. Wright for being a faithful expositor of the Word of God. OR
I would send it to my Bible study friends for being my friends, upholding me in prayer and friendship, and just generally putting up with me. OR
I would send it to our vet for being a kind and understanding James Herriot vet. We're taking Misty, our 17 year old sweet companion who's suffering from Alzheimers, blindness, deafness, etc. in for her final visit this morning. I won't put that sweet creature through another winter of trudging through the snow, suffering constant confusion, and bumping into things. OR
If Misty could read, maybe I'd send the thank-you to her - for being such a sweet and loyal dog all these years. AND
I'd better send one to Mr. C. or he's going to wonder why everyone else but him is getting a thank you card! I wonder if he will care that he's next in line after the dog. I hope he doesn't take it personally.

Sweet Misty, November 3, 2015

Misty in happier days gone by,
the butterfly-chasing days of her youth,
playing in the alfalfa field.
I will miss this sweet girl.

3. Of the breads listed, which one's your favorite...bagel, cinnamon, sourdough, garlic, banana, biscuit, pita, Naan, or plain old fashioned white bread?

I don't eat much bread these days. But I'm looking forward to this one, and will start baking it as soon as it gets snowy and cold. It is delicious toasted with REAL Wisconsin butter melted on it. Ingredient list below.

Homemade White Bread
Fresh from the Oven
Better with Butter

Best Homemade White Bread Recipe:

Makes 4 small loaf pans (4x8, I think)
400 degrees F. for 24 minutes.

4 c. milk
6 T. butter
6 T. sugar
4 t. salt
4 pkg. dry yeast
10.5 c. flour (appx.)

I only make four loaves at a time because this amount fits in my KitchenAid mixer bowl. And that, of course, is so handy! I probably knead it with the dough hook about 5 minutes before turning it out onto slightly floured counter, kneading it a bit more by hand. Then put it into a greased bowl and cover with a light cloth. Let rise until dough has doubled in size. Punch dough down and form into loaves. Place the loaves into greased loaf pans. Let loaves rise until they are about 1/2 inch above the tops of the pans. Place in preheated 400 degree oven. Bake 24 minutes, then turn loaves out onto baking rack to cool. (The loaves should sound hollow if you tap them with your finger - at least that's what I always do). As soon as you can stand to handle it, cut a slice and get butter on it. Quick! Mmmmm.

4. What's something you have in abundance? Is that a good thing?

Books. Lots of books. And that's a very good thing.
Besides books, probably clutter. And that's not a good thing.

5. November 5th is National Love Your Red Hair Day. Are there any redheads in your family? Who's your favorite redhead?

My older brother is a redhead, or at least was more red in his younger years. And now, of course, I must say that he's my favorite redhead. :-) Second is Lucille Ball.

 See the red hair on that kid in the middle?
They were playing Monopoly.
I'm sure he was cheating. ;-)

6.  The travel website Busbud recently calculated the most Instagrammed spot in every state. Go here to see what made the list where you live. Are you happy with your state's #1? If not what do you think should be the most photographed spot in your state? Have you snapped a photo there? If you live outside the USA answer as it relates to your state, city or province.


Cashton Amish Barn Raising
a few years ago

Well, that was interesting. Perusing the state selections, it's obvious that we have an obsession with sports in this country. As far as Wisconsin's favorite Instagram spot to photograph, it's not bad, but there are really so many from which to choose. My favorite is SW Wisconsin, although you know that NW Wisconsin, where we live, isn't too shabby either. I'll have to admit that I've never been east to Door County, but I hear that it's beautiful there as well. And of course the north northwest, Lake Superior, etc. is definitely photo worthy. But a sports stadium? What a sad thing that Instagram snappers can't find anything more exciting in other states. ;-)

7. I'm going to try to have something related to gratitude in this spot each week during the month of November. Here's this week's question-

What's something you've learned about yourself this year that you're grateful for?

Hmm. Let's see:  Things I've learned about myself: Arrogance, selfishness, pride. That's for starters. The part that I'm grateful for is that I have a Savior, the Lord of the Universe, who forgives my sin and calls me a sister. If that isn't humbling, I don't know what is. And this can be found in Hebrews, chapters 2 and 3. Just read the entire book. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

 The humble birch at the end of our driveway

We ate dinner out on the porch last night. Is this really November?? I'll take as much of this weather as we can get. It's been fantastic, and I'm so grateful.


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Have a great Wednesday, everyone!



Joyce said...

Quite a few surprised me too. I imagined there would be more 'natural' places photographed as opposed to man made. We've had so.much.rain. I'm envious of your supper on the porch. Sounds lovely. Best wishes to your granddaughter and her groom. Enjoy the celebration!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Oh Judy... I am so sorry about Misty. It is so sad when you have to say good bye to a beloved pet. I'm sure you gave Misty a beautiful life. I'll be thinking of you this morning.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Judy! Sending my {HUGS} for you and Misty! I can understand taking repeat photos of the same scene, the lighting and colors change each time. Your state has many beautiful spots, I will have to check out Maryland. Congrats to your granddaughter and her fiance, I wish them the very best. Enjoy your day!

NanaDiana said...

I always love these questions and your answers, Judy! I do think that Door County is probably one of the most beautiful spots in our state--however, I do think the whole state is quite beautiful.
We might break a record here for temps today. (1930s was the last time it was this warm). Sadly, this weekend is looking COOLER! NOT ready!!!! xo Diana

Cathy said...

I'm so sorry about Misty. She is so beautiful! Praying God's peace for you.

I thought about books too because we have tons although I mostly buy for my Kindle now. However I actually bought a few real books to read on this trip.

Your view from your porch is awesome. Hope the weather stays wonderful for you for awhile.

Sabrina Fox said...

I have an abundance of books as well. LOL! I wish I had space for bookshelves like yours! They are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Loved your photos today! They really make me wish I were somewhere that felt more Fall-like today.

Unknown said...

First, the pictures. So, so pretty and Instagram worthy.

Second, the dog. I just want to come and hang out with her in that field. I am so sorry.

Third, the bookshelf. May I just come and sit for a week in a comfy chair? I promise to be very quiet (shh, I will be reading).

Arlene G said...

Judy, I am so sorry you are having to say goodbye to your sweet dog friend but I certainly understand your heart!! Like you I love my books and I can never see my kindle taking their place. do not look old enough to have a granddaughter getting married. I hope you all have a wonderful time at the wedding.

Joanne Noragon said...

I would be taking many pictures of your landscape. In fact, I do, when I am there.
I used to bake all our bread. A friend came to the house one time, as loaves were coming out of the oven. He picked up a rather warm loaf and began tearing it into bits and shoving them into his mouth. I was not impressed and told him so. I used my Kitchen Aid weekly for that. My daughter still uses it.

Bricks & Laurel said...

So sorry about Misty :( I know that is very, very hard.

In reading these Hodgepodges I'm surprised at how many redheads there are out there...I always feel like I'm in the tiny minority.

Your bread recipe looks wonderful and I'd love to try it, but my daughter took our KitchenAid mixer with her to college! We told her she'd never use it...but she has actually proved us wrong!

Linda Kay said...

Congrats on the upcoming wedding...our granddaughter was married in May of this year. Love that homemade bread....I am reminded of my grandmother the baker!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

about the first photo of the view.. tell Mr C i have thousands of photos of dwarf poinciana and they always look different, the light, the sun, keep on shooting.

most important answer is first. in this order. white bread, biscuit, sourdough

my dad's mother was a red head, really red. she had 7 children, they had 8 childrne and those 8 had 11 and so far those 11 have had 6 so five generations and not a single red head. isn't that strange?
my hubby's dad was one of 5 sets of twins and 4 generations and not a other twin.

Susie said...

Judy, You know I love all your photos. I take the same view shots so many times it 's crazy. Your granddaughter is beautiful. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Tired Teacher said...

Your hodgepodge posts are like sitting down and visiting with a good friend. Bless you and Mr. C for caring enough for Misty to let her go without suffering. Treasure all your memories of her in your heart.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
Sending a HUG! I do love Misty and the boys are sad as I share the news with them.

Have fun this weekend!
Will your granddaughter be living in MN?

I love all your books.
Have a blessed week!

The Cranky said...

I'm so sorry about Misty, but it's good you're not going to let her suffering and confusion continue. Sending gentle hugs your way.

Fave redhead? My daughter was a strawberry blonde until she was three, does that count?

Mmmm, bread! Just made my first (ever!) loaf of sourdough rye bread, with starter I made myself... turned out pretty well, for my first attempt. =)

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What a pretty Granddaughter and poor Misty and I feel your emotions of losing a dog that has meant so much. I love the picture of the barn raising, how neat! And, I enjoyed all your thank you notes. Hoping your day brings comfort knowing sweet Misty will not have to endure another winter in her feeble condition. Blessings!

April said...

My heart goes out to you as you prepare to bid farewell to your beautiful dog and companion of 17 years. I can so relate. Our oldest dog is 15 and we're starting to see her really slow down. My heart isn't ready for the inevitable. Praying for you.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Misty... xoxo What a great companion to your family.

Barbara said...

Rest in Peace, Misty. I feel your pain. Our animals are precious gifts from the hand of God Himself.

You asked what I do about protein since I'm both gluten- and dairy-free. I have a green smoothie most mornings for breakfast and include nuts or seeds with that (flax, hemp, or chia are used the most). There is protein in all plant life, too. I think about where grass-grazing cows get their protein. It's not from eating meat or dairy.

That photo of the Amish barn raising was AMAZING! Such a big barn and so many willing people to help out their friends!!!

Thanks for sharing such a good Hodgepodge today, in spite of your grief. You are doing the merciful thing for your canine friend.

Chatty Crone said...

I can just smell the bread while watching the sunset. How nice you would write a thank you to your pastor. And your first granddaughter getting married - congrats - she is beautiful! I know you are proud of her. Love, sandie

Wendy said...

Congratulations on the wedding. Hope you have a great time. Sorry to hear about Misty. It's always sad when we lose a dear pet.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

I understand about the's the light! Gorgeous! Your grand-daughter is lovely - wishing her a happy life! So sorry about your sweet dog. It's so hard to say goodbye, but you gave her a wonderful life. My Dad's family were all red-heads and I always had dark chestnut hair. My favorite red-head was my Dad. Thank you for the bread recipe. It took a while to get to my state, (Washington), but the photo was fabulous - I saved it and agree with the selection. Wisconsin is one state I have never been to, but your photos are always so wonderful, I need to see it someday! Thank you for sharing your gratitude. It made my day! x Karen

Cheryl said...

I'm so sorry about your dog. I know what it's like to lose a beloved family pet. I'm sure you gave her 17 wonderful years with your family. As I've said before, your pictures are just the best! What a great photographer you are!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I would photograph that view many times as well, Judy. It's lovely--The light is perfect! Hugs to you especially today. Bless you for taking care of your faithful companion as I'm sure she took care of you. ♥

podso said...

A sad day for you--so sorry about Misty; you will miss her. How fun to have a granddaughter getting married! Time flies quickly doesn't it.

Terri D said...

It's always sad when our fur-babies get old and/or sick and we have to say good-bye. I enjoyed all of your answers. Joyce gave us another fun Hodgepodge. Your granddaughter is beautiful! I'll look forward to seeing a few wedding pictures!

Jenny Woolf said...

That's a lovely photo of Misty and that's how you'll remember her.
I've heard Wisconsin is a lovely state. We had friends who lived near Chicago and went to Wisconsin Dells every year. It always sounded so nice, but I never got to go there, and since I live in London and am not planning a trip to the Midwest, I wonder if I ever will! :D

TexWisGirl said...

sweet old misty...

love your view and your homemade bread, too.

Lowcarb team member said...

I just love that first photo, that view is lovely.
But sorry to learn about misty ...

All best wishes for your grand-daughter

All the best Jan

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

So much to comment where to begin! Lol

I absolutely know what you mean about the same view photo - it IS different those different days or times of day. Haha!

So exciting about your Granddaughter's wedding soon. But so sad about your sweet Misty. Made me well up. It is the cycle of things, isn't it? But it doesn't mean it ever gets easier. Hugs to you and to Misty!!

I need to print of that bread recipe right now! Yum!!

My hubby is a red head. Pretty faded to auburn now - but boy did he have flaming red hair! He has about a billion freckles too. I had so wished I'd have redheaded kiddos -but it wasn't to be.

I'm with you about something else being WI's photo of choice. Not a stadium. Love our beautiful state! xoxo

Deanna said...

I'm so very sorry about Misty. We get so very attached to our pets, don't we?

Denise said...

very sorry about your dog.

Anita Johnson said...

I love these posts...and so sorry for your loss. I think they are a gift from God.
I have taken the same picture of several oak trees many, many times. Like you, there is just something different each time that i don't want to miss.And the bread sounds delicious!

Lady Linda said...

I so enjoy getting to know you on this post day. Such a great idea. Of course your photos are always such a treat!

This N That said...

There was a lot in that post but all I could see was Misty. So sad and so sorry for your loss . I'm sure it was a big one. Enjoy these lovely days of fall.

Jean | said...

Judy, I'm so sorry about Misty. Of course, I never developed the long-distance virtual attachment to her that I did with Lionel, but I enjoyed looking at her photos and reading about her. What a sweet and charming part of your life she's been for so many years. I know you'll miss her terribly.

Vee said...

Oh I am sorry that there is loss in your home today. May comfort surround you. You made a loving choice.

I have only this to add—run, Mr. Cranberry! ("I wonder if he will care that he's next in line after the dog. I hope he doesn't take it personally.") =o How can he NOT take this news personally? < insert a grin >

Anonymous said...

That's a huge barn, what a blessing to have so many hands working on it. Sorry about your sweet Misty.

Deb said...

I can't say anything else but that my heart is broken for you. I send you a hug. Deb

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I guess I'm feeling a little sorry for myself today. Your granddaughter's wedding hit me hard. Here I am at 64 and haven't been blessed to have any grandchildren. How wonderful to be attending her wedding, what a blessing you have received.


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