Thursday, July 8, 2010

Flowers vs. Vegetables

I am so glad that when I look out my kitchen window, I see the flowers in my pond garden, rather than the potato patch, squash patch, or vegetable garden. How loving of our Creator to not only give us our daily bread, but to give us such beauty, not to mention the medicinal value, that flowers provide!

Vegetables nourish the body, of course, but flowers nourish the soul! (so to speak). :-)

I just spent two hours outdoors pulling weeds in a small, neglected plot near the house that is going to become my herb garden when I get all the weeds out. Two hours of pulling, shaking soil from the roots, and piling those huge, sweaty, 'grueling' work... I cannot say that word without thinking of Jerry Fletcher!

...then return to the house where I look out and see a different view - no weeds, just flowers. Well, almost no weeds. 

What a nice break from pulling pig weed, quack grass, crab grass, and some creepy little vine that's trying to strangle the life out of the few echinacea that are in my future herb garden.

When I get all the weeds out of that spot and my herbs relocated, I may take a photo. But don't hold your breath. I also have to mulch the tomatoes, trim the bottom leaves so they don't touch the soil, thin the parsnips, and get my peas picked!

Do you have an herb garden near your house? If so, what's in it? And don't say 'herbs.' :-)

Flower pics, from the top:
Purple Astilbe
White Astilbe
Elephant Ear Hosta
Peppermint Spirea and White Astilbe
Pond garden
Peppermint Spirea


Denise said...

I love all of your flowers. God is so awesome to share such beauty with us.

Yenta Mary said...

What gorgeous pictures! Truly a wonderful sight ... :)

Aleksandra Nearing said...

Love the astilbe. We have a very wooded yard and have a lot of that around. Beautiful garden!

Michelle said...

You have a beautiful yard!!!!

Andrea the Kitchen Witch said...

Beautiful gardens!! The flowers are just stunning. I have herbs in my garden. Currently I have sage, thyme, chives, oregano, marjoram, ball basil, lime basil, dill, cumin, parsley and cilantro planted. Everything is doing really well except the cumin (my 1st time trying to grow it). I love growing herbs, flavor is just outside my back door :)

Under Her Wings said...

I have container gardens with mint, two kinds of basil, cilantro, and parsley--the ones I use most. I LOVE growing basil! It smells wonderful and makes me happy! By the way, the view from your window, if that's what is in the pics, is most lovely. Mind if I drop in for a visit this afternoon? :-)

Anonymous said...

Awesome flowers for flower delivery.. i am loving it for my home sweet home..All thanks to you..!! Flowers delivery

Caution/Lisa said...

Beautiful! What a talent you've been given :)No garden here, but I'll survive by looking at your pix!

Cranberry Morning said...

How fun to read all your comments! Thanks for all the nice words. :-)

There are some awesome herb gardens you have! Mine will be meager by comparison - cilantro, oregano, eucalyptis (for my soaps. don't think it's an herb, actually), rosemary, chives, and patchouli (again, for my soap.), and the ever-expanding peppermint!

I'll be here this afternoon, Gloria, and yes the view of pond garden with the dog and screen room is from my kitchen. :-) I am very thankful for it!! :-)

Cranberry Morning said...

oops. I see I didn't include the pic of Misty and the screen room after all. Oh well, another time, another post. :-) But yes, the flower garden is seen from my kitchen. And I love it!


No garden for me, yet...although I'm thinking about getting a little window one to start. I love looking at flowers, they are beautiful!

Deborah said...

I miss sitting by that pond. I could have had a very nice seat with coffee this morning looking at your view but my mom decided to have a birthday 77 years ago! (and I thought I should spend it with her) Thanks for the invitation my friend. :)

SomeGirl said...

Wow! What a view you have! Your garden is BEAUTIFUL! Love the stone work, too! (that's a lot of exclamation marks, but there needed) ;)

I don't have an herb garden, yet. Just a pot of basil by my sink.

Anonymous said...

Wow~ what an amazingly awesome view you have created for yourself! Simply serene!

partialemptynester said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL and I love that you can see flowers outside your kitchen window views are sooo important to me! Each time we moved when I was little, we'd look for a place for the Christmas tree and see what the kitchen view breakers when buying a house!

I've had basil, cilantro, mint, rosemary, and parsley in the past...I had to move my herb garden a couple of summers ago when we had a new deck built and I never replanted (I don't have the greenest simple as an herb garden move sounds to others, somehow it slips on me).

Denise J. Hughes said...

Oh, I so wish that I had a greenthumb. I can't grow a thing. At least - I haven't been very successful thus far. Your pictures are amazingly beautiful!

And this is quote I think I'm going to remember:

"Vegetables nourish the body, of course, but flowers nourish the soul!"

That is simply beautiful.


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