Maple tree outside our back door
Today I thought I'd just post a few photos from around the yard, which I took on Sunday. I think our color here in NW Wisconsin was at its peak. The maples, oaks, birch, poplar, and evergreens make a gorgeous landscape this time of year!
Purple Aster
I couldn't believe it when these showed up this year. Most asters I've planted in the past were not hardy to zone 3 where we live. I'm going to cover these with leaves and hope they can survive the winter.
Corn and Brussels sprouts
The backyard, looking a bit cluttered with the wood from the trimmed maple tree
Autumn's Poinsettia
Virginia Creeper

Virginia Creeper
The pond garden, early morning.
After a hard frost, with leaves cluttering up the brick
The rudbeckia are mostly dead, but the impatiens were covered at night to gain a few more days of enjoyment.
Early morning view from our deck
September 20
September 20
I never tire of this view from our deck, especially when the fog is still hovering in the low spots. It always reminds me of flannelgraph lessons at Good News Club when I was a kid. Doesn't it look like any minute Miss Gustafson could step in front of the scene and place a few people on the road or in the field?
What could be more beautiful than the colors of fall with the accompanying sunny, cool and crisp days!
What an amazing Creator you are, Lord! Thank you for sharing all this beauty with us.
What an amazing Creator you are, Lord! Thank you for sharing all this beauty with us.
Lovely fall colors around your place. Your deck view is gorgeous!
Super cool photos what a great view you have.
I love this post! what a beautiful yard and scenery you have! Our Lord really is amazing! <3 I live in Southern GA and we are still have warm temps (eighties) and the leaves are only just starting to hint at changing so it's really nice to see this preview of what I have to look forward to! I love fall, it is definitely my favorite season! Thank you for sharing these lovely photos! Please come over to my blog and see MY yard and other photography when you have a chance! I would love your feed back!
<3 Bethany @ The Sepia Puppy
He truly is.
What beauty.
Fall Blessings
all these photos are just magnifco!!! and you captured God's creation to the innth degree. wow on the colors and i am trying not to be envious of your view from your deck. gorgeous and spectacular come to mind
Gorgeous photos! We get a lot of bright yellow and gold in our back woods and they are beautiful. Just now turning so I'm hoping to take some pics this weekend.
Do you know the David Crowder song -Everything Glorious? The trees turning always bring that song to mind.
Gorgeous. What a wonderful view you have. How fortunate you are to be able to see that every day.
This is my favorite time of year! These pictures are great! And that pumpkin cheescake looks delicious! I hope you are well my friend! Have a great day!
Mama Hen
Your photos are just spectacular. Our leaves are just beginning to really change. I'm hoping the rain will stop today so I can get out with my camera.
Oh, how pretty! That deck view is glorious. Our leaves are just starting to turn. So far our lowest overnight low has been in the 50s so we haven't had anything close to a freeze yet. But I see our high on Saturday is supposed to be 55 so we are headed that way.
Wow, what a view, it is so gorgeous!! I love your yard. I would love to see your area sometime. Lucky Bonnie and Tom, getting to see your beautiful area.
Oh my goodness - is that your view from your deck - you see all that? They photos are so amazing. Love the colors. Love the scenery too Judy.
Judy your view is breathtaking!! There's nothing like fall colors and a little chill in the air!
God bless!
The veiw from your deck is amazing!
Autumn has never really been my favorite time of year. After all the heat this summer, I am enjoying it so much more this year! (Fall in this corner of the state can be awful rainy, but not this year!)
Yep, it looks like autumn. I was amazed at all the trees you view from your home.
So true, Judy, your photos of God's handy work are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them. We are just beginning to get a little color here in Kentucky.
Oh you are killing me with that first shot. I am so jealous. It is still very much summer here.
What a view, I would be glued to that deck winter and summer....
We will probably get our first frost tonight I am not looking forward to it.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
I would never tire of that splendid view from your deck either. I could wake to that every day. xo, olive
Thanks for sharing these awesome photos from around your home. Such magnificent fall colors.
That is a beautiful view from your deck! Everything looks really pretty. Glad you shared the photos!
Beyond beautiful.
I loved all your beautiful photos!!
Amen! So true. I love the view from your deck! WOW!
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