Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My True Love at Hodgepodge Corner

Along with the wood dust (from our stove), 
the bagpipe chanter (still in the good-intentions stage), 
the rosette iron, the antique phone,
and the antique accordion,
the top of this bookshelf holds a treat which
my true love 
brought home one day - 
a Sulfuric Acid bottle.
Fortunately, it was empty.
Yes, I'd rather have that than a dozen roses.

But now that I HAVE that,
I wouldn't mind a bouquet of


Join us and Joyce over at 
From This Side of the Pond
She writes the questions; 
we write the answers.
Hit the button above to link up your Hodgepodge post.

1. Have you ever written a love letter? Have you written one recently? Had one written to you? Did you keep it?

 (the Grandma/Grandpa part of this photo is from an old Mary Engelbreit calendar.
The letter is from a group of letters that Mr. C. found on a demo site. See what I mean?)

No, I haven't yet read them.
It seems like such an invasion of their privacy,
even the privacy of people who are now long gone.

*Since I wrote that, I did read the letter above because Mr. C. pointed out to me
that I had had no such feelings of hesitancy about reading
General James Longstreet's family letters in the archives
in Gainesville, Georgia. I guess that's true.
But, having read this letter,  I'll have to say that 
General Longstreet's family letters were lots more interesting.

(Just look at that.
A hundred years ago, it cost 2cents to mail a letter.)

So, if I have ever considered writing a love letter, I most likely would have talked myself out of leaving a paper trail that my great grandchildren could someday find and giggle over how precious and quaint their dear old great grandma and great grandpa were.Shudder.

2. What's a movie that ends in a way you especially love?

I rarely (like almost never) watch romantic comedies, but I love the way 'You've Got Mail' ends, with Meg Ryan, standing in the park and looking completely flummoxed when she sees Tom Hanks approaching. But the very best part is when Brinkley, his Golden Retriever, runs up for a group hug. Doesn't that dog scene just get to ya?!

The dog part is at 2:20. :-)

3. Something that makes your heart sing? And for those of you who are parents, I mean something besides your children that makes your heart sing?

Sunrise, January 30, 2015
Yes, and our Christmas tree is still up and lit up on the front porch.
Let the neighbors talk. It's so nice to come home at night and see that cheery sight.
I might keep it up until the snow is gone.

My children phoning or texting me makes my heart sing. Hearing my grandchildren or getting photos of them makes my heart sing, as does seeing Mr. C. pull up the driveway at the end of a busy day at work. Besides that, a gorgeous sunrise, standing on our hilltop in the green alfalfa field in late May, seeing an eagle in the top of our pine tree, looking at a pretty herd of cows resting in the shade of a tree, seeing my sweet kitty all curled up at the foot of our bed, knowing that the dogs will be glad to see me when I come downstairs each morning, feeling the crisp leaves under my feet in the fall, listening to the honking of migrating Canada geese, standing on our front porch and hearing a pounding rain and thunder and my deep-toned wind chimes all at once, hearing soul-feeding choral music from Trinity College or John Rutter, looking at the beautiful rolling hills of NW Wisconsin in our own neighborhood, spending an afternoon with my Bible study friends, and most of all, knowing that there is Someone to thank for all of these amazing gifts. Pondering God's grace and mercy, and His awesome creative power and love. It's kinda scary awesome. Those are just a few of the things that make my heart sing. There are many, many more.

 4. What's the last event you had to attend, phone call you had to make, routine task you needed to complete, or meal you had to prepare, that you did do, but only half-heartedly?

The most recent event that I approached half-heartedly was a women's meeting at our church. I tend to shy away from women's meetings (my Thursday Bible study, which I love, is a whole different animal), but I was more than a little surprised at how much I enjoyed the fun and interesting day spent at a 'Heart of Love' brunch/meeting. Just the title would normally put me off, not that there's anything wrong with love, of course, but love is defined in various ways by various people. Sometimes it's inadvertently defined as 'sappy, gooey love,' which I find annoying, although it does occasionally find its way into Downton Abbey. But usually not, thanks to Cousin Violet. Sorry, I digress. The meeting was more about the women in the church actually getting to know one another better. We are a small church, but spread apart geographically with a radius of about 75 miles, so we seldom see one another except at church. Yet we all have the same goal of reaching into our culture with the life-changing message that Jesus is Lord, so it obviously will help if we get to know one another better. At least that was my take on it. I do tend to be preoccupied with whatever I'm reading at the moment, so I'm not making any guarantees. Anyway, it was a great meeting and I'm glad I went.

Sunrise photo,
from the front porch, same day

5. Tuna fish salad-yay or blech? If you said yay, how do you like your tuna salad prepared? Hey, this is the Hodgepodge, right?

It does occasionally occur to me that I should probably make an effort to suppress my opinions, for I risk losing every follower this blog has ever had, but to answer the question, I like tuna salad IF I'm the one making it. I like white albacore, a little mayo so that it's not sloppy, diced onion and diced sweet red pepper, maybe a little lemon juice and a little cayenne. NO EGGS. I haven't made it for a long time because I haven't found a salad dressing that tastes like Miracle Whip but doesn't have MSG, dairy, or soy in it. I did actually make my own from a recipe I found online about three months ago, then, as I was just about to eat it, I chickened out and threw it away.

Yesterday's 'bouquet of roses' brought to me by
my true love
(He does occasionally bring flowers too, just for the record)
These were found on a demo job, collected in the ductwork, where some little
person, presumably, had entertained him/herself by dropping cars into the floor register.
Now they're all scrubbed and ready for our grandkids to play with.

6. What's something you 'know by heart'?

I know the books of the Bible by heart, several Scripture verses, the 'be' verbs, almost every cartoon theme song from the late 1950s, and how to find my way home from town. 


Yogi Bear,  Quick Draw McGraw, Huckleberry Hound
Yes, I can sing them all. I wish my brain could store
useful information that easily.

7. In the spirit of Valentine's Day, what two or three word phrase would you write on a conversation heart for someone you love? That someone could be a spouse, child, parent, cousin, bestie...anyone at all whom you love.

I would love to have the conversation hearts include these two words, 'German Shepherd' or 'Puppy Love,' because I would buy a bunch of them and make sure that Mr. C. found them everywhere!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I have run out of random thoughts today. All of the above felt random enough.

Thank you Joyce, once again, for the Hodgepodge!


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Joyce said...

Several people have mentioned they put eggs in their tuna. I don't think I've ever had eggs in mine. I love eggs, but that doesn't sound good to me. As you know, I'm a big fan of sunrises and sunsets both : )

Arlene G said...

You've Got Mail and While You Were Sleeping are two of my favorite sweet romantic movies. And Judy you can make tuna fish for me anytime. I like mine just as you described it...NO

podso said...

I've never put eggs in my tuna salad either. I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge today. I have my parents' love letters but have not read them. But as their marriage continued, they wrote love notes to each other for birthday presents. Rather sweet.

eileeninmd said...

A bouquet of zinnias would be pretty. I love the end of that movie! I do not put eggs in my tuna salad either.. Love your images, the sunrise is gorgeous.. Have a great day!

Linda Kay said...

Judy, you are really full of inspiration today! Great job on the post. I do love the ending of "You've Got Mail", such a delightful story with Tom Hanks. You are right about the Golden. My hubby will find flowers for me for Valentine's Day, and I love that. And he will spend a long time in the card aisle finding just the right card.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

And I thought we were strange putting relish in our tuna! :-) But, my mother did it and I continue this tradition as it adds some sweetness for a sandwich.
It's sad to think that there will be no records such as letters or likely cards for future generations. Since I became computer savvy, all my photos are on the hard drive - no more photo albums.
Have a great day Judy!

Michelle said...

Judy, `You've Got Mail` is one of my all time favorite movies.

We must be family, everything that makes your heart sing, I can relate to :)

I have several pictures of my ancestors, but no love letters. One day, if I can learn to scan pictures, I plan to add my ancestors to my blog.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This is my favorite post of the week. I don't know why I don't take part...except for revealing things I might not want revealed! haha! You can memorize...I'm in awe! My hubby knows the words to all songs from the '60s! lol I try to 'sing along'. (you're lucky you can't hear me) Enjoy your day! Hugs, Diane

September Violets said...

Even though you seem to want us to perceive you as a crusty woman, I don't think you really are ;) I like the things that make you happy ... very similar to mine. Simple pleasures. I find Miracle Whip to be very harsh, but really like Hellman's mayo, have you tried that? I don't like any sauce to overpower the taste of the meat/fish. The things your husband finds! I would have opened up the old letters immediately as a glimpse into the past. love that
Enjoy your week and have a Happy Valentine's Day :)

Nancy said...

I can almost see the little one pushing the cars into the vent. Perhaps, it was a little brother or sister in retaliation for a favorite toy being marred. Oh, the possibilities. . .

Eggs in tuna salad? Never!

April said...

Your hubby sure finds some interesting treasures on the demo sites! Almost sounds like hunting for treasure!

TexWisGirl said...

love the gifts your husband brings home. :) too cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

to funny, most of what makes your hear sing is mine, but my first answere was dogs, the bigger the better and the ugly ones especially... cows are 2 and four leg critters always.
nay on tuna fish salad unless i make it. where did i hear that. but i don't make it because it is a nay... if i do eat it in a recipe. i have to eat peanut butter to get rid of the taste.
i am not a valentine or a gooey love, never got a letter never sent a letter except the one from my grand daddy in 1944..
never read and old letter except that one.
now i need to watch you've got mail again. had forgotten it and Debbie mentioned Sleepless in Seattle. loved both.
i like happy endings ...

Barbara said...

I enjoyed all of your 'random' thoughts today. Your husband has an interesting job, bringing home such treasures for you (although I don't understand the significance of the jar). I've always liked that particular picture by Mary Engelbreit (along with most of her other works). Two cents postage!!! Awesome!

And by all means, yes, it is surely a thrill to know there is Someone to thank for all that we enjoy.

P.S. I almost use the "You've Got Mail" clip as you did but opted instead for Sense and Sensibility.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Judy, I so enjoyed all your random thoughts today. Wonderful photos.

I have to say that scene with Brinkley at the end is just the best love ending. It makes my heart lurch every time.

Thanks for a wonderful visit. Wishing you even more of those glimpses of heaven.....


Terri D said...

Well, I'm glad I'm not alone and appreciate your answer to #4. I find myself dreading going to my Church Women's meetings, but am usually glad I made the effort. I feel no regret when I don't make the effort however. I sometimes have trouble in big groups of women. They get on my nerves, taking forever to make decisions and talking about things that have nothing to do with the task at hand. I'm bad. I had to laugh that you know your way home by heart!! Love that answer!

Debbie said...

ohhhh this is so fun and so full of surprises!!! i chase every sunrise and sunset, both are truly the best part of the day!!

i have written and received many love letters when i was away at nursing school. all from and to the hubs. i saved every single one. they are a treasure to me!!!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Loved your "heart-strings" answer. I must agree with just about all of them. And those sunrise pictures! Ahhh! Also, I must agree with the movie choice - one of my favorites. I even teared just watching the clip. Meg Ryan's acting gets me every time.

Anita Johnson said...

I am recovering from a bit of oral surgery and found all these random things a great distraction from my discomfort. Fun to read. I have felt the same way about some of our women's events at church...sometimes I think I am more of a "Tom boy" at heart, but like you, I am always blessed when I attend. And like you, I don't need or want roses....but a little bouquet of flowers would bring some color to the winter day! said...

You are so funny! I kind of agree with you though, as much as I love flowers, I'd usually rather have something else! Love the ME valentine, so sweet :) Happy Valentines Day, stay cozy up there!

L. D. said...

Another good read today. Tuna sandwiches sound good most ways. I just don't want the celery that they sometimes put into them.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Aw! Sweet post! I have my parent's love letters - they are precious. I love the way 'Under the Tuscan Sun' ends. No eggs in my tuna salad, but I do like celery and Miracle Whip along with my mayo. You are a girl after my own heart with loving the antique bottles. Sometimes it's fun to get together with 'the girls'. Women know how to enjoy even the simplest things. Loved reading all your thoughts today. Have a lovely day, my dear. Hugs xo Karen

21 Wits said...

What a neat gift! That love letter 1914 and wow 2 cents that is something, as for You've Got Mail that is a great scene I knew just what you meant by the dog, because I just love everything about that movie!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

I wouldn't have been able to read that old letter! I love to ponder what it would have been like to living in the era and who that person was.
We have one old family letter, which we love trying to figure out who they were. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find the person on the family tree, so it is still a mystery!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I said Sleepless in Seattle but You've Got Mail is a great one too! Your tuna salad sounds delicious. Had to giggle with your conversation heart sayings! Your Raspberry Sorbet soap sounds heavenly.....

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so curious why you wanted a Sulfuric Acid bottle!! We saw You've Got Mail, it did have a good ending. What a beautiful sunset! Your church group sounds like ours, The Sunshine Club. They meet once a month. So will you be a regular member? I am the same about tuna salad, I MUST make it myself. Plus, if eating places keep it even a bit too long, you get food poisoning.

Darla said...

I have always put eggs in my tuna....didnt realize there was any other had a Bald Eagle flying overhead last week. It stirred my soul. God Bless, Libby

Angela said...

"and how to find my way home from town."

Ok, this actually made me laugh out loud, picturing you *not* knowing how to find your way home from town. :) I'm glad you can always find your way home from Rice Lake, Mom!

Cheryl said...

"You've Got Mail" is one of my favorite movies...and I cry at that last scene every. single. time. And, yes, I love that Brinkley is a part of the joy!

Great Valentine from your hubby! :)

Another fun hodgepodge!

Chatty Crone said...

Well I think you ought to write a love note - and let the kids find it years from now - why - you are a wonderful gal with lots of love and could leave a lot of who you are in that note and they would know who you are!

RURAL said...

I think a post about all the lovely things in your life is just perfect. Especially at this time of year.

Lovely to read Judy.


Tori Leslie said...

What treasures those letters are, I would have had to read them immediately. You are not the first to list "You've got Mail" so I think I need to give it a look see. I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge today!!

Hootin Anni said...

Your antique collection sounds awesome. Yes, some zinnias would bring some beautiful colors. I love zinnias ...they last a lot longer than roses when cut for a bouquet.

Beautiful sunrise images. So peaceful, so quiet.

retired not tired said...

I will take zinnias any time. Roses don't last as long.

Jean | said...

I only put eggs in my tuna salad when I'm making my late mother-in-law's tuna melt. She was the first person I ever knew who put chopped egg in the tuna. Have you tried my homemade (no raw egg) mayonnaise?

John's Island said...

Hi, Wow, You get a lot into one post! Interesting. Re: The love letters ... I post from my collection of old postcards ... guess they weren't concerned about privacy since the message is open for anyone to read. Even so, I would open and read the old letters. Thanks for your comment on my blog. John

Rose said...

Love the hodgepodge....always interesting to read.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I loved reading your hodgepodge. I don't know if it can be called a love letter, but I'll never forget a letter I got from one of my first boyfriends when we were in 7th grade and he told me how much he liked me and that his former girlfriend was mad at him because he decided he liked me better! lol! I haven't thought of that letter in a long time until I read your hodgepodge and I did keep the letter. Now, I'll have to see if I can find it. Have a nice day!

Carla from The River said...

As always~fun, fun, fun to read your Hodgepodge. :-))

DeniseinVA said...

How nice to read all these and your photos are lovely as always.

Alex said...

I've so enjoyed reading this!

A kiss from a German Shepherd would be high on my Valentine wish~list too!

You will not lose THIS follower with your Tuna opinions, he he!!

Have a great week end, my dear.

Empty Nester said...

I was dreading a workshop two weeks ago but, as soon as I arrived and saw who the other teachers were who came, I was delighted. We spent the entire day conversing among ourselves and catching up and sharing ideas. We all teach technology in elementary schools in the county and don't get to visit face to face very often. I think the workshop was ok but our time together was fantastic. :)

J_on_tour said...

Love it ... the acid bottle, the bouquet of roses :-) and on a more serious note ... what makes you sing.


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