Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hodgepodging the Dog and Pony Show

Tuppence, appalled by the American version of 'The Mirror Crack'd.'
(see #8, Random)

Join Joyce and the gang for...

She writes the questions,
we write the answers.
Copy the button to your own blog post,
answer the questions,
then link up to the Hodgepodge
on Wednesday mornings.

1. Did you watch The Oscars? How many of the Best Picture nominees have you seen? (American Sniper, Birdman, Boyhood, Selma, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation Game, The Theory of Everything, and Whiplash)

I did not, nor do I ever, watch The Oscars. I have seen none of the movies listed, although as time goes on, I may see one. I'm not against watching movies, but am not caught up in the annual Hollywood Dog and Pony Show. Actors, like anyone else employed, are people with a job. Some are underpaid, and some are very much overpaid. They live in a parallel universe, one which rarely touches the reality of most Americans' lives, and yet some Americans care so much about them, want to know what they eat, drink and wear, what they like and don't like. I just don't get it. I also don't get why it is that many Americans resent the wealthy (often the very people who write their paycheck), but sever that logic from the fact that many of the Hollywood 'stars' are wealthy beyond their humble imaginations. 

Do you think actors should use their acceptance speeches as an opportunity to promote their political and/or social agenda? Does that sort of speech make you more or less inclined to change the channel?

You may be surprised to read that yes, I do think that actors can (not necessarily 'should') use any opportunity they want to advance their causes. I think that while we still have some degree of free speech in this country, I don't see why they, like the rest of us, can't voice their opinions. But no, it won't make me change the channel because I won't be on that channel anyway. 

 The best movie I've seen in years, maybe ever

2. Speaking of the movies... are you comfortable going to a movie alone? How about dinner in a restaurant (not fast food, but an actual restaurant)? The second half of this question was posed by Carrie who blogs over at It's Not Easy Being Queen. Thanks Carrie!

I don't think I've ever gone to a movie alone. Part of the fun of a movie is sharing it with someone else. I've only eaten in a restaurant alone a few times in my life, and now I rarely eat in a restaurant, period. Why pay good money for a meal that's going to make me feel worse than when I went in? I much prefer to cook a good meal at home. I know where the food came from, how clean the kitchen is, who made the food, I know that it's not sauced or breaded or covered in poison of any kind, etc.

3. What's the last home repair or home improvement project you had to pay someone to complete? In hindsight was this a project you could have done yourself?

Mr. C. does all the home improvements around here, unless you consider cleaning and laundry to be a home improvements, which I do.

4. Have you ever had Indian food? Like it or no? If you're a fan, what's your favorite dish? Have you ever prepared this yourself at home? Is there an Indian restaurant in your current hometown?

I think I have eaten at an Indian restaurant only once, and that was in Cirencester, England. It was wonderful. I don't remember what I ordered, but I was there with my daughter on my first trip to England. It was magical. They could have served me beetle noses with curry and I probably would have loved it.

5. A song that reminds you of your parents?

'Great is Thy Faithfulness.'  My parents were both rock solid believers in Christ, and I know that this is a song that could have been their theme song. How grateful I am for parents who loved me and loved God with all their hearts. That love affected every facet of their lives.

 How grateful I am that we have a merciful, loving, and faithful God.

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; 
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
 Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
6. The 26th of February is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day. What's your favorite, or one of your favorite, fairy tales? Do you have any childhood memories associated with a particular fairy tale?

I loved all the fairy tales that came from my 1949 set of Childcraft. I don't have a particular favorite, but I liked the dark and scary stories and loved the artwork in that edition. So beautiful.

Jack & The Beanstalk

7. What's a problem you solved yesterday?

I took my glasses to the optometrist so that they could adjust them. They were difficult to use after I had sat on them and put one of the bows at a 20 degree angle. I did manage to straighten them enough to wear them, by lighting a candle and holding the hinge over the flame for a few seconds, then gently bending, then repeating that process three times. It made them wearable, but not perfect. I needed to take them in for an adjustment.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

The other night we decided to watch the American movie version of Agatha Christie's 'The Mirror Crack'd.' The next night we watched the British version of the same story, so that our granddaughter, who is currently living with us, could see the difference. Why does anyone watch American TV? It was horrid, loud, obnoxious, and extremely annoying. The British version was completely different, almost hard to remember that it was supposed to be the same storyline. The American version starred Elizabeth Taylor and a host of Hollywood stars. The British version had the same people we know from the other British mysteries we watch, and although it's not my favorite story, was so much better, with a cast who seemed like ordinary people. Imagine that - ordinary people! There is a reason we seldom go to the movies and never watch network TV.

The perfect Miss Marple - Joan Hickson


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Have a great Wednesday, everyone. We'll be gone for a couple days to see our daughter and her family. See y'all soon!

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The Cranky said...

I'm very much with you on not watching the Oscars, or any award show for that matter. After over a decade of very happily living without a television (on my part, at least) the Great Scot decided 'we' needed one.

It's only ever on when he's home.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Hah - we didn't watch the Oscars either and I don't know anyone that did. Very splendid and all that, but...other things to do. Going to the movies used to be a treat - it's pretty expensive now. We're having chicken tikka masala this evening - try that when you're next over. Loved the look of that wonderful book. You're quite harsh on the US version of Agatha Christie - though I've never seen it, so can't comment. Prepare yourself for Wolf Hall when it makes it across the Pond - excellent.

Theresa said...

I watched some of the Oscars. I like to see the pretty dresses, although I had not seen any of the movies:) Have a blessed day dear Friend, HUGS!

Mary said...

We love watching British TV!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't seen the movies, or cares about the Oscars!

Joyce said...

Most of the old hymns take me back to childhood, and I too associate many with my parents. One of my favorite things about the church I grew up in were the Sunday night hymn sings we had every now and then. Anyone could call out a hymn number and we'd all sing along. So awesome.

eileeninmd said...

Good Morning, I do not watch the Oscars and I did not see any of the movies you listed..Hubby and I do go to the movies for date nights, then we go for a pizza. The last movie we saw was Exodus, hubby had to see it on the big screen. Have a happy Wednesday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

computer driving me nuts today, wrote a LONG comment and poof gone.
3 movies in 30 years and the last one was 15 years ago, in theaters i mean. so no to movies alone and no to eating out alone, to easy to feed one person at home..
no oscars since i don't know the movies or stars.
I love movies but like the action movies where they blow things up. think bruce willis.
In the Garden, It is well with my soul are two that my parents loved. and so do I

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I didn't watch The Oscars and haven't in years. I guess I've become a little turned off by Hollywood. I really want to see Les Miserabels though!

podso said...

It seems like all we watch is British TV now with a dose of news mixed in. That would be the song/hymn for my parents too, and was sung at both of their funerals.

Arlene G said...

I have not seen any of those movies either Judy. And I totally agree with you that the British know how to entertain. Joan Hickson IS Miss Marple. I tried to watch a few on Masterpiece that featured other actresses but just could not bear them.

Linda Kay said...

Judy, I like the fact that you aren't concerned about expressing your opinion, and you are not judgmental about others doing the same. The whole Hollywood scene is a bit like watching the royals in England..although we also seem fascinated by them as well. Great hymn to remember your parents.

A Joyful Chaos said...

I used to really like Fairytales too. Especially the ones found in our ancient Book of Knowledge set.

Debbie said...

The only way I can stand to watch the Oscars is with a fast forward so I can quickly get to what I want to see and speed through that which I don't, lol. We enjoy the big screen and a good movie, though I will admit they are hard to find sometimes. Wish I could say a beautiful old hymn reminded me of my parents, but sadly that would be no. Enjoy your week!

magnoliasntea said...

What a nice dose of common sense you dish up here. I've never watched the Oscars and can't imagine why they televise them, not that I have a television... I'm embarrassed by "Gollywood" myself.
I love hymns, too.
Have a great Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of the Oscars either, but I've found that British television is growing on me :) I love Downton Abbey, and Mr. Selfridge!

April said...

I'm not a fan of curry, so no Indian food for me. "Great is Thy Faithfulness" of my all-time favorite hymns! Gives ms goosebumps!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I do agree that almost any show the British make is classy! Gosh, I don't know if I have seen this, now I want to!! We have not seen any of the Oscar nominated movies. This certainly means we are OLD. I did not watch them, other than the last part while waiting for the news. For me, here's the thing. The actors are so self congratulatory, and have so many different awards. But What kind or great thing have they done? If awards must be given, there should be awards for Christian Missionarys, and people who truly help others and such. That is what is worth awards. NOT acting and getting paid millions for it.

NanaDiana said...

I always love reading your responses, Judy. I never go to the movies but my hubby goes to many with his friends. I am anxious for Still Alice to come out on DVD so that I can watch it. After living with a mother with dementia I am glad they are exposing it on the big screen ... and hope that will lead to an early cure. I was glad to hear that Julianne Moore got an Oscar for that.

Hope you have a wonderful Wisconsin day! xo Diana

21 Wits said...

You have great answers to all- good questions too. I did watch the Oscars, first year in forever that I actually enjoyed and watched completely, because I am a movie-buff. Although my taste and the academy is usually vastly different. I watch my favorite films over and over, Like Breakfast at Tiffinay's (Audrey Hepburn a favorite of mine)I hate loud, creepy, scary, bloody and sad endings too. But my own movie making life began every Friday night with my parents in the backseat of our family car with my sister at the local Drive-In. I can still remember swinging (they had a small playground in front of the screen) before the movies began. Fun times together.

Nancy said...

Joan Hickson is a perfect Miss Marple! I enjoy watching British shows, too, although some can be racy.

I rarely go to the movies, but I don't mind going alone, eating alone in a restaurant is awkward, but I do it.

Great is Thy Faithfulness is a favorite of mine, too.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I guess I'm the odd man out! I did watch the Oscars and it's the only one I care to watch. I don't like the red carpet nonsense and how they go on and on about everyone these days so I skip that part. I look at it from the perspective that they have a talent and bring my pleasure through their movies. My daughter was involved with musicals and the local theater (in fact she performed in Les Miserables) so I appreciate the effort that goes into it. The movie version was great! I don't want to know these actor's political agenda- it really turns me off that they use their position to take advantage and voice their opinions. I try not to pay attention to the junk gossip about them either and sometimes it makes it hard to like them at all the more you learn. I actually haven't seen any of the new movies- I haven't been a movie goer for a long time so I usually catch it later. I pick and choose my tv shows and try to keep it light, but my favorites are things from HGTV that have to do with decorating, home improvements and such. I used to play some of the old movies for my kids just so they'd know who some of the actors were from long ago. I hope you have a great time visiting with your daughter!

TexWisGirl said...

i don't watch the oscars simply because i'm not up on any of the current movies. if i watch a movie, it's on hbo and it's a year after it has been feted. :)

bp said...

I have always liked that hymn.

Interesting to read all the different "problems" that we solved yesterday!

Happy Wednesday!

Primitive Stars said...

Morning, such a pretty kitty...always found the Oscars boring, but like to se the dresses.... Blessings Francine.

Terri D said...

You didn't sugar-coat your Oscar answer either! LOL You are right to point out freedom of speech, though, which I disallowed in my answer. It is just sad that they have to use the Oscars as a place to get on their soapboxes.

Beautiful words to a beautiful song.

betty said...

I liked your answer about the Oscars and actors and actresses, I so agree. That was interesting about the two versions of the movies you watched and their differences.


Cathy said...

I love that song. It's one of my favorites to play on the piano.

Rose said...

I cannot stand to watch the Oscars or hardly any of those types of shows. I would not walk across the street to meet 99% of them...

they are all about telling me to watch my carbon footprint, but they think nothing of what they consume.
I could go on and on...but won't.
I do love the British me it seems like they hire their actors and actresses on ability, not on looks.

There are so many I want to ask if you have seen, but would take all night for you to read it.

Carla from The River said...

Hello Judy,
I am with you regarding the Oscars. :-)
Sam and Atticus wanted me to tell you, they love the photo of Tuppence. And they remembered Lionel by scrolling down and looking at his photo.

I did the Hodgepodge today too.

Angela said...

"I don't remember what I ordered, but I was there with my daughter on my first trip to England."

We ordered tandoori chicken. :) We should do that again in London!

Chatty Crone said...

Well I don't mind going to a movie or out to eat alone and I don't think they should use the stage to present their position - but it is okay to disagree - right?

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Some of the questions you get each week are pretty entertaining - and yes I watch the Oscars every year. Once all the 'old' actors I'm familiar with are gone I probably won't.
I sure didn't know Feb 26 was tell a fairy tale day, learn something new every day!

Cheryl said...

No Oscars at our house either. (We were watching Downton Abbey anyway.) Joan Hickson is the best Miss Marple. (Geraldine McEwan kind of gives me the creeps. I always think that she might be the murderer.) ;)

"Great is Thy Faithfulness" is a wonderful hymn. What a blessing to be able to connect that message with your parents.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I doubt I would have watched the Oscars if my daughter hadn't turned it on and I watched with one eye on the TV and the other on my laptop. I don't even know who most of the actors are anymore as I rarely watch TV or go to the movies. Hubby and I had gone to see American Sniper because he loves war movies (me, not so much!) and I was rooting for it to win. I wasn't surprised when it didn't after reading all the liberal remarks about it in the news.
I love the hymn. I much prefer listening to the old hymns rather than some of the new Christian music I hear these days.

Tanna said...

I never watch the Oscars either. I am happy to report I will be hearing Great is Thy Faithfulness all morning... and I love it. Your parents must have been wonderful folks. blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch the Oscars either. Cute shot of your cat.

Jean | said...

Judy, you are such a sensible woman! :D Hear, hear! And I love the photo of Tuppence (yes, I've become quite fond of her!).

CraveCute said...

Great post! I don't watch the Oscars and haven't been to a theater in years. Watch all my movies via Dvd. And how did I miss National Tell A Fairy Tale Day?

Dee said...

Not a fan of the Oscars or movies that are out. I do not mind eating alone in a restaurant...people do it all the time. Great is thy faithfulness is one of my favorite hymns also. I agree with you about British mysteries being better than American. I watch our Canadian station all the time.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So true, I love the British stories too! I also love Les Miserables.....

Hootin Anni said...

We decided long ago, to NOT have cable tv any longer. And it was one of the BEST decisions we ever made.

I enjoyed reading your comment comparing British TV and American TV...movies or otherwise.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Judy, just stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I went to the film The second exotic Marigold Hotel today on my own. I was supposed to be going with 2 friends but they did not weigh in. It was very funny. Have a lovely weekend.

Stephanie said...

Pretty cat! I don't watch the Oscars. I don't go to movies, wait for them to be available on Netflix. There is nothing worse of someone kicking the back of your seat at a theatre, wrappings from candies and such making noise, and the constant chatting by people behind you through out the movie.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Tuppence is just adorable! I don't watch the Oscar Ceremony, but I do check the dresses on the next day!

Anonymous said...

Love the shot of Tuppence!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I used to watch some of the oscars when I was younger but I do not recall ever staying awake until the end! The best thing about them was the fashion reviews later on...showing the actresses with good taste in clothes and then the ludicrous clothes in contrast.

carol l mckenna said...

Great post and adorable kitty shot ~ so expressive!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

A Colorful World said...

I don't even know WHERE to begin! Oh, loved the sweet kitty photo. But, here goes: I totally agree with you that the Oscars is a big ole waste of time, and doesn't mean anything. Never watch it! Do adore movies and watch them all the time, but mostly at home. LOVED my Childcraft set...did a post on it a while back. Loved your answer to No. 5...that was so sweet! Love to eat out, but it's so expensive, and as you say, you never know what the heck you are really eating! It's so much healthier to just cook at home, but I am such a lazy person, I really don't enjoy cooking, and hate cleaning up after even worse. Still, most of the time, we do eat at home. OK...I can't remember what else I wanted to comment on, so I will stop. :-) Have an awesome week!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's fun to read your answers. We watched the other Miss Marple and now it's hard to learn to like this one. But I DO love that old fairy tale book. I should get one out to read this week. Sweet hugs, Diane

Anita Johnson said...

I don't watch the Oscars either and haven't been to a movie theatre in years. Occasionally we rent one if the recommendations are good. I don't think I have ever gone to a restaurant or movie by myself...half the fun is going with someone! Great is thy Faithfullness reminds me of my parents too, we sang it at my dads funeral when I was just 14, the words are just beautiful and as true today as they have always been. So grateful for His faithfulness to all generations...

J_on_tour said...

I never watch the oscars either. I have some friends that are into cultural things, my latest trip to the cinema with them was "Testament of Youth" a story set around the time of WW I.
I work with an Indian and also someone who has returned there and they reckon that there are no authentic Indian Restaurants in the area. Another Doctor I once knew drove to Bradford for a curry after a work shift.
ITV modernised some of the Agatha Christie material in recent years, despite bringing it to a new target audience, some of it doesn't work in my eyes either.


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