Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sunrise Sequence, a November Morning

A November Morning

Get up.
Take dogs out. Misty on lead.
See sunrise.
Wish I'd brought my camera.
Wish Misty would hurry up with her business.
Take dogs in.
Hope nothing changes until I get back outdoors.
Grab the camera.
Run back outdoors.
Take photos of this spectacular sunrise.


By the way, this is the first time I have joined Vee's Notecard Party. Check it out!

And since we're all thinking about Thanksgiving, I just wanted to mention that I am so grateful to God for our home and family and friends and such glorious sunrises (and sunsets) AND the fact that our ground is not yet covered in snow. Every single day without snow shortens our winter.

And of course, all these shots were only a few minutes apart.

But what a special treat to have this beautiful start to my day.

 Box cover, by request :-)

Sunrise reflected on the new and not-quite-finished wraparound porch
I'm so tempted to put no railings or knee-walls up.


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This post is linked to Mosaic Monday and Vee's Notecard Party and Weekly Top Shot  and Memories by the Mile  and Weekend Reflections


Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

What a gorgeous landscape! How can a day go wrong when it starts like this? Your porch is full of drama the way it is. I understand the impulse to leave it as is. I can't imagine having one like it either way. So exotic to these parts. So glad you came by! Yes, I am loving my new napkin rings! :0)

Amy Burzese said...

Beautiful. Love that porch. I wouldn't want railings either.

Donna said...

Such a lovely way to greet the day! Wonderful photos.

I grabbed the camera and ventured out on the porch this morning to photograph a sunrise too - in my robe! Eeek, I hope nobody was watching the crazy lady...

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

What gorgeous photos!

From the photo, the porch looks perfect.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful skies! and i love the new porch! wow!

Suzan said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Sunrise!!
Red in the morning - sailors take warning ????
Red at night - sailors delight!
What is also so lovely about your shots is that when there is enough light - everything is frosted over!! Lovely!! Thank you for sharing!! Do hope you don't the terrible storms that have been hitting Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio!!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Beautiful! This morning is also a wonderful morning, though I didn't get up early enough to see the sunrise! A nice frosty morning with clear blue skies. So nice after all the gloom.

vintage grey said...

Wow, what a beautiful morning!! God is so good in giving us these gorgeous sunrises and sunsets!! Have a lovely day! xo Heather

Pamela Gordon said...

Your sunrise photos are gorgeous and make perfect notecards. I love your wrap around porch and don't think I'd put railings up either. It's just a step down so no danger of anyone getting hurt. Have a great week ahead.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the skies are wonderful, all of them.. sunrise makes me happy and it last long after they skies are back to normal. my favorite photo so these is the last one, the photo is stunning and I love you porch and i do like it with no railings

Elizabeth Edwards said...

now that is something to get up & be all freezing for. ... glad you took these shots. amazing!! ( :

SImple and Serene Living said...

These are just beautiful. SO glad you were able to get back and get your camera in time. xo Laura

Susie said...

I love those sunrise photos... awesome !! Only an almighty God could make that sunrise.xoxo,Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What amazing skies! My hubby takes some sunrise photos to show me! I don't get up real late...but I usually miss this glorious sight! Enjoy your day!

Vee said...

Very pretty! The new wrap around is beautiful! If you don't have to, it sure looks great as is! Thanks for joining us this month. The more, the merrier!

Lorrie said...

Beautiful sunrise photos. Such gorgeous color is a great beginning to a day filled with promise.

Visiting from Vee's Note Card Party.

podso said...

How beautiful to sit on that spanking new porch and view that sunrise -- or sunset on the other side? Your soul must be refreshed every time you sit there --or look out a window ...

Lynn said...

Yep, looks like a great way to start the day! Enjoy:@)

camp and cottage living said...

You are blessed with your Cranberry morning sunrises!
Beautiful photos.

Karen said...

Glorious!! The sky changes so quickly!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Love that porch! Wanted to Pin It, but it wasn't pinnable. :-( And your sunrise photos are magnificent!

Shane Pollard said...

Beautiful sunrise images for your note cards - they will be wonderful to send out to family and friends for any occasion - print them off!!

I'm your newest follower now.

ellen b. said...

The early bird catches the worm and you caught some great sunrises!!

Muffy's Marks said...

Your photos of today's sunrise are glorious. Bet your day started on a happy note. I agree with you no rails on the porch, if your homeowners insurance allows it.

Cheryl said...

Oh, that was a glorious sunrise! And amazing that each shot was mere minutes apart. I suppose that shows how much we miss when we don't linger to watch.

Now to nose around your blog a bit...

Anonymous said...

good thing your pups finished quickly... those shots are amazing!

bj said...

Great photos...really nice for cards.
xo bj

Carla from The River said...

I love your porch.

Gorgeous photos. So many people have mentioned the amazing sunrises lately. Our worship leader at church, another blog I follow, Cranberry Morning and my husband. :-)
I am so thankful for the beauty we can enjoy.

Judy S. said...

That must have been a sight to behold! Thanks for sharing it and brightening this grey and rainy day.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Lovely colored skies..very pretty!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Judy. The sunrise is just beautiful. What a way to start the day. They do disappear very fast though you captured this one at just the right time. I think this linky party it just about perfect..Happy Tuesday..Judy

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Just lovely! I love sunrises!

And your porch…


Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Fabulous morning - I can almost smell it!

Terri D said...

Just beautiful! Railings should probably be as see-through as possible to still maintain safety! Gorgeous porch!

Carol said...

The photos are breathtaking! I would like to spend some time in a rocking chair on the porch.


Judy said...

Looks like my world :) Beautiful photos, I love the bottom one.

Sally @DrinkingFromMySaucer said...

Beautiful photos, and that porch is amazing. I'd think twice about a railing, too! =)

Deborah said...

Beautiful sunrises do not get much better than this...awesome...thank you Lord! And I would take the suggestion from one of your followers and made note cards. You could give them to your friends...like me. :)

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Your pictures are amazing!

Linda H said...

What incredible skies! Lovely choices for the Notecard Party. Glad you joined in on the fun.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Your photos are definitely the skies that note cards are made of. Stunning, I'm so glad you were quick enough to grab your camera.
I'm envious of your wrap around porch, if it isn't too high off the ground, I'd leave it like that too.

Jeanne said...

Beautiful note cards!! Nothing like pointing the camera toward the sky. I also love your porch, I'm jealous. I'd leave it the way it is.

Unknown said...

Oh Judy, what stunning and breathtaking pictures. The color is amazing! Thank you for sharing on Tuesday Trivia, be sure and check back for Friday Features. Pinned.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile

Shirley said...

It's such a lovely porch I can see why you wouldn't want any railings.

'Tsuki said...

Spectacular indeed ! Stunning colors !

Viera said...

What a beautilul light... I love the last one

J_on_tour said...

So much to be thankful for including real blog friends and glorious colours to look at.
On a side note, I'm finding at the moment that using the light or alternatively the associated shadows such as your patio shot, promotes the picture into a higher league. Nice one.


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