Thursday, September 4, 2014

Good Picket Fences

I checked. It's not touching the ground.

I drove to visit a dear friend yesterday, and along the way I pulled off the road to get a photo of this flag on a picket fence. Fortunately I was on the road less traveled by, so I didn't get any rude gestures or honks, or beeps. There are definitely advantages to being out in the country.

Taken through the screen window
of my friend's house

It was a lovely but short visit with my friend who so thoughtlessly moved about 20 miles away. (I'm just kidding. I am very happy for her and her husband to be in their gorgeous new home,) but whenever I visit her I feel compelled to go home and clean my house. Unfortunately, that feeling usually subsides by the time I reach my own driveway. I will certainly miss my good friend being just two miles down the road, but I do have a car, so there's no excuse for not getting up there to least until the first bad snowstorm.

It's a grand old Flag.
Can you spot the error in the photo collage above?


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Answer to the flag question:

The one most of you are choosing is the flag at Bath Abbey in England. I think I told some of you that it's at Westminster Abbey. Oh well. Anyway, that one is correct, depending upon which side of the flag you're on. The one that's an error is the bottom right. It is at Brit's Pub in Minneapolis and is NOT an American flag. (I didn't notice that until I had the collage made.) :-)


Anonymous said...

Good Morning, I know you will miss your friend living so close but she certainly has a lovely view from her new home. I love the picket fence shot too.
Hope you enjoy the day!

Dicky Bird said...

Is it...the flag in church is hanging backwards? Love the flags! I have a friend like that too, her house is so clean...

The Quintessential Magpie said...

The church's flag is hanging upside down. ;-).

You are good! The DAR, of which I am a card-carrying member, would be proud of you!

Loved all your photos, Judy.


Sheila :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Well at least you can find wonderful fence shots on your way to visit your friend! ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the flag fence makes a really beautiful photo, don't see the error.. and i would so love to have that view out my door... beautiful... my cousin lives 22 miles and i never go out takes about 45 minutes because of the traffic between here and her farm... how long did it take you to go 20 miles

bj said...

Love your fences...especially like the one thru the screen. :)
I don't see anything wrong in your photos..

Linda Kay said...

How lovely to see the flag displayed in the fence. Some really good pictures - your collage is beautiful

Lynne said...

White picket fence and draped American Flag . . .
My vote, best yet, very favorite, car stopping, picture taking!
I think I found the collage flag flying wrong way pic?

Amy Burzese said...

Hi Judy. Long time, no see. Looks like your friends have a beautiful property. Love the green fence! The flag displayed on the picket is perfect. Isn't one of the flags hanging the wrong way in the collage? Not sure which one, I would have to look it up.

TexWisGirl said...

i like american pride. :) and your friends' place looks beautiful, too.

i think it is the church flag that's hanging wrong.

Ni de Aqui, Ni de Alla said...

I hope you keep finding good stuff every time you visit your friend! The flag looks so pretty against that picket fence!

Anonymous said...

Piiiiiicket Feeeences! Oh, did I want one when I was a kid. Then I grew older and watched neighbors paint said fences. Now they come in plastic. Much easier maintenance.

Another early young love -aside from The Monkees- is white horse fencing. But I think I really liked the flat and rolling open fields they surrounded.I am a girl who loves wide open spaces.

Your pix are lovely. The one in the church is backwards. The one flying with the other flags in a row looked backward till I considered it from the other way around, in which case, it would look fine. Like your pix. But I said that already. You can stop writing now, Maureen...

Latane Barton said...

So happy that you can go visit your friend. Time like that can't be lost... we just get in the car and go. Have a great weekend.

Diane said...

Nice pictures! Wish more folks would hang a flag!

podso said...

Wonder if kids today know that a flag shouldn't touch the ground. I remember when I was a kid we never were allowed to put Bibles on the floor of our Sunday School rooms. Dishonoring. Your friend found a beautiful place to live!

Stephanie said...

The flag on the fence is just beautiful and I'm so glad you stopped to take a picture of it :)

May your upcoming weekend be delightful! Hugs to you

Jean | said...

Love that photo taken through the screen! I've never thought to do that!

Debby Ray said...

Lovely fences...very patriotic too! I love seeing a crisp, white pickett fence...great photos, Judy!

21 Wits said...

Lovely set of images! Thanks.

Ida said...

It is a Grand Old Flag (perhaps the stained glass window). So happy you got to visit your friend and really 20 miles isn't much of a jaunt so I'm sure you'll still see her often. Great shots of the fences.

Arlene G said...

Love the pretty fences and that flag looks so great!! Thanks for sharing.

September Violets said...

I've always admired your American flag, but there is that annoying thing that it's not reversible. We drove over the bridge into Michigan last year and admired the huge American flag welcoming us. Going into the States the flag is correct, but when you leave it's backwards. Our flag flies the same either or ;) Wendy

Ruth Kelly said...

Love the flags.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Well, I couldn't find the error anyways, so alls good! I like your first pic- very patriotic and awesome looking on that white fence. Have a great weekend!

Terri D said...

I see there is another Terri here! Good name!!

I have an "in" now, and can say that the bottom right is not an American flag.... (grinning)

I always love your photos, and I think you live in such a beautiful place (until is snows!).

Donna said...

I would have been squealing the car brakes to get a photo like that! Great one! And now you have an excuse to get away for a bit to visit with your friend and see beautiful sights along the way. I had to chuckle when you said the urge to clean goes away by the time you pull into the driveway! I think the flag in the lower right corner is not hanging correctly. The star section should be on the left.

Anonymous said...

It's always nice to see the flag and it does look grand draped across the white picket fence.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Enjoyed your fences today. Didn't we all grow up wanting a house with a white picket fence?

LV said...

Nice fence post. The screen really gives a nice affect.

Anita Johnson said...

I couldn't spot the flag issue. Glad you posted the answer. What a beautiful yard in your friend's new home...definitely worth the ride!

A Colorful World said...

Fantastic fences...both of them! Love the patriotic fervor of the one, though. Sorry your friend lives further away, but at least it isn't TOO far!

GreenComotion said...

Hi Judy,
Your photographs are lovely. Very beautiful scenes and thanks for posting the American flag and honoring it, as it is meant to be.
And, thanks for stopping by my blog.
Peace :)

Rose said...

I love your fence shot! You are so lucky your friend is only 20 miles away...mine is 400 miles!

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi Judy, wow what a beautiful fence and flag. It's so nice that you went to visit your friend and hope you had fun. Thanks for sharing the pretty photos with us. Have a wonderful weekend.

Cynthia said...

Gr eat pictures Judy of beautiful fences. Our flag hanging proudly. Love that you treasure a friendship.


Red Rose Alley said...

I've always loved unique fences. These are great, and there's nothing like seeing our flag waving in the wind. I was noticing your soap that you make, it's so pretty. I used to do craft projects all the time, and I should get back to that.

Have a fun weekend, Judy.


Empty Nester said...

My bestie is coming to visit me today. We're going to sit and talk. If she moved away, I'd be sad, but go visit for sure. Where would we be without our friends?

Anonymous said...

Lovely fences!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I learned some flag etiquette today and know how proud Americans are of theirs.
Growing up we flew the Union Jack but then we Canadians got our own flag which is the same from either side.
Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

Snap said...

Each time you visit your friend it will be an adventure! She lives in a lovely spot. I enjoyed the flags and the fences. Lovely images of a special place. Happy Mosaic Monday!

Beth said...

The flag on the white picket fence looks lovely. Have a good week!

ann said...

I always love flag photos. There is nothing more beautiful than the red white and blue flying freely a symbol of great American spirit. I love the collage.And the photo through the screen door.

Donna said...

Wonderful mosaic of flags!!


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