Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Time for the Hodgepodge

Once again, it's time for the Hodgepodge.

Join Joyce and the gang

(She writes the questions;
we write the answers. Why not join us!)

1. I'm celebrating a birthday this week so a question relating to aging feels appropriate. Douglas MacArthur is quoted as saying, 'You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair." Would you agree? If not why not?

Faith in God gives us hope and casts out fear.  I've seen a lack of faith produce cynicism and bitterness. Without God, it is impossible to deal with the horrific things we see going on in the world. (See #2.)

My trust is in Jesus, God in the flesh, who gives us forgiveness, life and hope beyond the immediate. Do I feel it? No. I know it. I choose to put my trust in Him, who paid for my sin and who will ultimately judge the world and bring justice. As (St.) Peter said, when Jesus asked if they were going to leave him also,  "Lord, to whom would we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life. We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God."

 "So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,  and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'” John 8:31-32
John 1:14–16, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. . . . And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”

To choose not to believe in God by default means to choose to believe in chance, in fate, in purposelessness (I tried to find a shorter word), hopelessness and despair. Jesus said 'You're either for me or against me.' (Matt. 12:30) There is no in between.

These are things I want in my life: grace, truth, forgiveness, freedom, hope. I choose to put my trust in Jesus. I choose to believe. And what happens if you run up against doubt? Then you choose again to put your trust in God. For someone like me, there's not an emotional cloud that settles upon me. Remember, if you've ever noticed on my sidebar, my personality type is ISTJ. :-) But the alternative to faith is empty, devoid of joy or hope or certainty of justice or a future.

2. What remarkable feat, interesting piece of trivia, or historical event occurred on your birth day and month? Not necessarily in your birthyear, just the same date/same month.

Unfortunately, they are things we would like to think that humans would not do to one another, but even as I sit in my comfortable house in Wisconsin, things like this are still going on in the world. We just choose not to notice:

Deportation of 70,000 Jews from Lodz Poland to Auschwitz begins 1944

Enola Gay drops atom bomb on Hiroshima 1945

3. Describe a time or circumstance where you wanted to 'have your cake and eat it too.'

I want to live in beautiful Wisconsin and have Mediterranean temperatures. I know.

4. What's something you do that makes you feel young? Something that makes you feel old?

Spending time with my grandchildren makes me feel younger. Realizing how old my children are makes me feel old. Doing things outdoors, breathing the fresh Wisconsin air makes me feel young(er); watching the mainstream news media get excited about celebrities, football players, and Beyonce, but reporting almost nothing about the important things happening in the world makes me feel old(er) and sad. And disgusted. And furious.

5. When did you last do something that was 'a piece of cake'?

I don't know.

6.  Beef, wine, and cheese all improve with age. What's something else you'd add to that list? (not necessarily food or beverage) 

Wisdom improves (grows) with age and experience, something many of the young seem to forget. In this society I think we foolishly treat the young as though they are wise and treat the old as though they are irrelevant.

7. If I were to have a giveaway when we hit Volume 200, what should I give away? By my calculations we'll hit Volume 200 on November 26th, the day before Thanksgiving, which means whoever wins would have whatever it is in time for Christmas.

Two Hundred! That is incredible, Joyce, Congratulations! So for the giveaway, let's see. Two hundred turkeys?  OR an gift card!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I know there are people out there who think that bloggers should keep their faith to themselves. I don't agree. Why on earth would we do that? When we see a world suffering, when we see injustice abound, why would we not share with others a Savior who brings hope, justice, life, and joy. Goodness knows the faithless certainly don't keep silent. Neither should we. If someone were dying of a disease, wouldn't we let them know there is a cure.



Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the clock! The deportation of the Jews was such a sad time for our world. I guess that's why I'm feeling old, I need a grand baby to love. I don't think we should keep our faith to ourselves, I'm a believer and it's our job to spread the word.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i have lost a lot of my followers due to my religious thoughts or my post i share on Saturday (Inspired Sunday) ... it is a shame. i never wish to push on my thoughts to any one. just share. i think we all can have different thoughts or opinions - just listening & trying to get the person's thoughts i smart to me.

i think about all the times within my life & even recently that Mr. GOD has gotten me through some rough times ... & i wonder ... how the heck i would have ever gotten through any of it ... if it had not been for his grace & misery. i can continue walking & believe there is a true purpose because of him. thank GOD for that. ( :

you keep blogging the way you feel is best.

i have had to look at my blog again & wonder where i'm headed?? we will see. i enjoy what i do but i wonder about what others think?

Dicky Bird said...

Good post

Joyce said...

I think bloggers need to blog about what is near and dear to their hearts and faith falls into that category for certain. I don't really understand why people get worked up about what bloggers are saying. I say move on from the blog if it's not your cup of tea. Seems like an easy fix :) I liked your answer to #3...except I think the beauty is due in part to the changing seasons and cool weather. I'd miss seeing snow. Don't need so much of it, but I do like to see a little every year. Enjoy your day!

Arlene G said...

Happy Birthday to Joyce. I agree a blog is for the thoughts of the blogger and those who do not wish to read them do not have to do so. I love all my blog friends who I know share my faith and are great prayer warriors. When I ask for prayer, I know it is taken to the Lord. This is my last year to be in my 50s and with my husband thinking of retirement, age is a thing that is on our mind. I hope God allows me to have many more healthy productive years.

Debbie said...

This was a GREAT post. And for me personally, I couldn't agree more. We are not only asked to spread the good news about Jesus, we are commanded to. So that means we should shout it from the roof tops every chance we get don't you think? He loves us....He died for us...and He leaves us His grace, His mercy, and His peace giving us the ability to live lives pleasing to Him. I have found my fellow Christians here in Blogland to be inspiring and loving, and their prayers powerful. So preach it! And all of God's children will shout AMEN!

April said...

Judy...your random thought expressed my feelings exactly. We live in troubling times and spreading the Good Word is much needed, I believe.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Judy hugs I love the way you answered. Hug B

Stephanie said...

My dear Judy, your post was rich with wisdom and greatly blessed my heart! Thank you for answering these questions the way you did.

Hugs to you!

Linda Kay said...

Judy, I'm very moved by your comments, and I'm in agreement on most everything you posted. Kind of sad remembrances for your birth date. I love that bloggers post what they feel, and they should continue to do so, especially where faith is concerned.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that clock.. first things first, the historical event for me that happened in 1944 was MY BIRTH on Sept 5th... LOL
the sad event that year is just what you posted about the Jews..
my have my cake and eat it to is much like yours. i want to live in Florida and take 3 months of summer out of the mix... no more July aug Sept ..

my piece of cake is PicMonkey. i love it and it is a piece of cake for me

Hootin Anni said...

#s 4, 6, and 8 are spot on.

I ask too so very often, why is it so important to be politically correct and not state your views and beliefs?!!

TexWisGirl said...

laughed at #3. :)

Carla from The River said...

Love the clock.
And I agree, we need to post what is in our heart.
Our prayers,

Trace4J said...

Thats the problem with our world..
Everyone wants to leave GOD out.

I never want to grow up Im a daughter of a KING!

Woolie Blessings

Michelle said...

Your answer to #3 sounds awesome!

I agree with you on wisdom.

Btw, I love your clock.

Cathy said...

Love your answers to #1 and #8. I totally agree...why wouldn't we share our faith.

Terri D said...

#6 - spot on!! You have some great answers again this week! I agree with your random, too. I think it is important to be ourselves here, for goodness sake. Why do it if we can't be ourselves? Good post!!

Lorrie said...

Great answers. Blogging is a free speech platform!

L. D. said...

Very good answers. I don't share my faith as much as I should but I do hope that my life I share reflects Christ. Your right about hearing from the other side without hesitation.

Debby Ray said...

Judy, I absolutely loved all of your answers... YOU GO GIRL! There are so many types of blogs out there, why should anyone get upset if you post about your love of Jesus?? If anyone doesn't want to hear about it, they don't have to follow or read it! On our blogs we write about what is important to us and usually just by reading the "about me" will give them a little preview. Regardless, these days, people are so easily offended...I've never seen anything like it... :(

Anita Johnson said...

I love your answers. (And I laughed about the Mediterranean temps)

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

There used to be a children'e Public Television program called Hodgepodge Lodge. I think of it whenever I see you HP post titles.
Freedom of speech! Love it! Blessings, m

Valerie said...

Hi Judy, What wonderful answers. I love your clock and your answer to #8, =) Blessings, Valerie

camp and cottage living said...

I so appreciate your words of truth.
I find it hard some days to be gay and post pretty pictures with all that is happening in the world.
And so exasperated that so many people don't seem to realize what is happening.
I have had followers drop me, but that's fine, I only have my Lord to answer to in the end.

Anonymous said...

So much wisdom and thought in your answers today! I agree with what you wrote, too :)

Empty Nester said...

I'm pretty sure bloggers can post whatever they want to since it's their blogs, right? It's like watching tv, if someone doesn't like it, turn the channel or don't read that blog. Silly people. Now, Facebook is a different issue. I don't want to read anyone's religious or political views on there whether they agree with mine or not. LOL Amen to #4! I know a few people who easily challenge your wisdom and age thought. They've gotten older but wisdom is still missing. :)

Vee said...

I just love salt of the earth people! You are particularly salty today and I mean that in the best possible way!

Debby said...

Wishing you a Happy Birthday. I hope you eat cake all day long, hah.
My thought are you can say what you want, it's your blog. I also agree, everybody needs a little love and faith in this trying times. My son is a Mormon and we are Methodists. When I was a young girl I went to all kinds of churches. I respect other religions.
So be yourself. Those are the blogs that I like best.

Life SPW said...

Thank you for visiting my Blog today and leaving a comment. I agree that giving a christian perspective on things in your blog is a proper thing to do. Non christians have no reluctance to give their point of view. Preach on sister!

Roan said...

#8 perfect!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday to Joyce. And I think that having grandchildren and looking at life again through their eyes is so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with #8. We must speak, before the rocks cry out in our place. What devastating days those were in 1944 and 1945.


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