Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hodgepodging Duluth, MN

Lift Bridge at Duluth, MN


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Thanks, Joyce!

 Lift bridge, Pier, and Boardwalk
Duluth, MN

1.  What's something you wanted to do this summer that you never got around to actually doing?

We have not been to Duluth, MN, one of our favorite spots, yet this summer. Maybe we'll still go this fall. It's beautiful, and maybe even better than going to the ocean.

Oh. And I just remembered that I still have that gallon of 'Tousled Grass' paint to repaint the kitchen.

Shore of Lake Superior

2. Share a favorite memory of your own back -to-school days as a child.

Before school started in the fall, I always got a new book bag, pens, pencils, paper, and notebooks. To this day I love new notebooks.

 Never too many

3.  What's one chore or daily task you prefer doing 'old-school' ?

I like to make dinner with real ingredients, rather than a packaged anything. I enjoy being in the kitchen, listening to a podcast or the radio while cutting up veggies and meat and stirfrying it in a skillet. A Lunchable will never pass my lips. 

4.  Share something you've learned in life through the 'school of hard knocks'.

Get it in writing.

5.  As a child, did you mostly bring or buy your lunch for school? What was your favorite thing to find in your lunchbox?

When I went to that little country school in first and second grade, my mom packed a lunch of a hard boiled egg and a tomato. (There may have been other things that I'm not remembering...) No kidding, I know this sounds like 'The Four Yorkshiremen,' but it's true. My favorite thing to find was the tiny set of Morton S&P shakers in my lunchbox.  When I got into 3rd grade, I was bussed to the city school where all of us kids stood in line to get our hot lunch at noon. Mashed potatoes, green beans, Salisbury steak, apple crisp - unless it was Friday. Then we had salmon loaf. It was horrid. Full of creepy little bones. I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to be Catholic.  :-)  When I got to Junior High, I was introduced to Mallo Cups and life was never again the same. My mom didn't pack them in my lunch, but I bought them at the little 'Treat Shop' across the street from the school.

6. Football season is upon us which has me wondering... how big of a sports fan are you (not just football) ? On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being 'I scream at the players through my television screen' and 1 being 'is knitting a sport?' where do you fall in fandom? 

I doubt that if I worked at it I could be more uninterested in football, NASCAR, or any other sport. I do, however, enjoy watching skiing  (alpine skiing and ski jumping) during the Winter Olympics.

7. Share a favorite quote you think might inspire students of all ages at the start of a new school year. 

I think the following quotation is appropriate to all students of all ages at all times:

"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell."  - C.S. Lewis

Seagulls, Duluth, MN
Lake Superior


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The Quintessential Magpie said...

I loved finding potato chips in my lunchbox. I ate peanut butter sandwiches. Can't remember what else. But I loved salmon coquettes we had on Friday. The cooks at our school got it right. But I hated tuna anything. ;-)



Mike@Bit About Britain said...

That's an amazing bridge; and lunch looks great - is it ready yet? Tell that to kids today and they won't believe you; they won't.

podso said...

In grade school we all went home for lunch. It's hard to believe we all lived that close to do that. Our house was only a half a block from school. That's an interesting building in your first photo--so colorful.

Judy said...

I haven't been to Duluth in so long. We hope to go there sometime this fall, I hope we make it before the snow flies.

Dicky Bird said...

I too have a thing for notebooks...I usually nap during Sunday Packer games...I love making real food with real ingredients, while listening to my little radio in the, love and still crave those meats on mashed potatoes, the pizza rectangles, greasy tacos....just to name a few...I've not made it up north all summer - I am going to Crandon area on Friday for that estate sale. Have a good day.

The Cranky said...

Beautiful photos, that bridge is amazing!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I hope you will get to Duluth yet this fall. It is such a neat city. I don't think I will get there this year, but I would love to.

Lynne said...

Loved the pics and reading your answers . . .
Skillet meals by Lynne are favorites around here!
Egg Salad sandwich on white bread in a brown paper bag was my favorite school lunch . . .
Malo Cups . . . haven't had one for years.
Jr and Sr High, we went across the street for potato chips and ketchup with orange pop! Great food value wasn't it! The memories are worth it all, thanks for "stirring!"

A Joyful Chaos said...

I still love new notebooks too! When ever I see one that catches my eye, I want it!

Arlene G said...

A very thoughtful post Judy...I enjoy getting to know other bloggers better!

Joyce said...

I like to cook from scratch too. I rarely use a packaged anything other than occasionally an angel food cake mix. Even though we're full of technology the world of notebooks just keeps getting cuter. It's like a quiet rebelliion : )

Hootin Anni said...

I'm with you on the cooking with natural whole ingredients from scratch. These days, store bought foods are so filled with chemicals and additives that shouldn't BE.

Eileen H said...

Lovely photos, that's an awesome bridge!

Cheryl said...

I always enjoy our Hodgepodge posts!

I am also uninterested in watching sports. We do watch the Olympics when it is carried by our local stations, which is hardly ever (we don't have cable TV). My daughter sits with an elderly man and he is a baseball fan, so she has recently learned to enjoy watching baseball!

With all of her good points, my mom was the worst school lunch packer ever. It improved (?) when I got to high school and bought a bag of potato chips and a carton of chocolate milk with my lunch money. (Today that makes me cringe.)

Love the Lewis quote!!

TexWisGirl said...

get it in writing - wise words.

i loved new notebooks, too. :)

Debbie said...

Oh I loved the new school supplies too, and notebooks STILL intrigue me too. Love the pic of the bridge. Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

I love those Mallo Cups and bought my neighbor one at Cracker Barrel the other day.

I enjoyed your memories and the pretty photos today.

About cats.....we love them no matter what!!!!!

Melissa said...

We love it up by Duluth too! Went along the north shore for our wedding anniversary in June.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha I enjoyed your school lunch memories, especially the part about the salmon, because I hate finding those little bones, too!

I still love new notebooks, too, and usually find myself purchasing one each fall...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i said on another post i had no fond memories of school, but your memory jogged one out... for the first 4 years of school, my mother drove us from Savannah to Callhan FL and my granddaddy too me shopping and bought me 5 dresses and five of socks, undies and a pair of school shoes...
i hate those horrid little bones in salmon patties. my mother left them in the canned salmon when she made them and when i left home, i picked all the bones out and made them my way... now i want one. there is no cookign i like to do old or new school. but i do prefer pushing a not self propelled mower over the self propelled

Heide at ApronHistory said...

It is amazing Lake Superior looks so different from Lake Michigan. I have never been to Duluth, but I did visit Superior in Michigan. Maybe it just looks more wild? It has a very haunting beauty. Maybe I am just use to a Great Lake looking ocean-ish!

Nikki said...

When i was flying across the USA to NY, i couldn't believe how huge the great lakes really are. We were flying over Lake Superior (we think) about a 1/2 hour.

retired not tired said...

We also prepare our meals from scratch. No pre-made dinners for us.

L. D. said...

Duluth is one of my favorite places to visit. We haven't been there for a long time. We are artists and we would paint our way up the North Shore all the way to Indian reservation. Grand Portage. The whole coast line along Superior is great to see and to sit along the shore and listen to the sounds.

Linda Kay said...

Great job on your post today. I remember an old bridge in Peoria, IL that I marveled at as a child.

Terri D said...

Excellent quote. I need to write that one down. This was a very interesting Hodgepodge today (well, they always are). I enjoyed your answers! Now I want a Mallo Cup. Haven't had one in years. Yum!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is some bridge! I always loved the new school supplies. I'm with you on real ingredients. Good advice on getting things in writing. I know I make sure when I call to report something with cable, etc I make sure I get a name! I have to laugh about the hard boiled egg and tomato. I didn't even remember ever eating those as a kid!

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Like your new notebooks Jody - I'm a stationery lover too!
I love going into our stationery cupboards at work - the smell of of the new items takes me straight back to my school days of 60+ years ago!
Duluth looks interesting, I'll have to google it and see if it's on the coast, river or lake!

I'm with you on real food - packet meals are full of masked salts and sugars..... It's taken me a long time to realise it!

Your soap looks beautiful!

Debby Ray said...

Judy, your photos are so lovely. I have never been anywhere's near looks wonderful. I have several favorite memories of childhood schooldays...I was always so excited to start a new year and the school supplies always were part of the reason....especially those new notebooks! Favorite smells... bologna sandwiches wrapped in waxed paper (ahh), white paste, and does anyone else remember the great chemically smell of the old mimeograph sheets??? Fun memories!!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Pretty scenes today! I love being around water - so soothing. Fun things to share, too. Those lunchbox lunches are things of legend, aren't they? I still remember a favorite Lunchbox - it was red and black plaid vinyl with a matching thermos.
I remember those little salt and pepper shakers. I was actually looking for some recently and couldn't find them. I am with you on cooking from scratch. Unfortunately the people in your life can get really spoiled and not want to eat anything you haven't cooked and you don't get a break.......:) Have a wonderful week! xo Karen

Anonymous said...

Booookbaaaags! I forgot all about them until I read your post, Judy. Such a found memory.

Anonymous said...

That would be FOND.

Chatty Crone said...

I laugh at how many of us women bloggers loved school - I did too - got all new things - organized my stuff - and away we went!

Trudy said...

Duluth is a favorite place of mine. I love to be on top of the hill and look down over the lake. With scenery like that I wonder how people can doubt God's existence. I live in Minnesota, but very close to Danbury.
I remember getting ready for school, and my favorite thing in grade school was the new crayons. And shoes!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

So interesting!

J_on_tour said...

I was fascinated to see how that bridge worked, I looked it up on Google images and understand ... never seen anything like that before. There are two bridges here in the UK that I've seen where they look similar but have a gondola on cables taking people across the river. I've copied the one further away from me as there are some images that give a better idea near the end of the page.
My favourite chore is the kitchen too but I need to make more time for a couple of reasons for being there more often.


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