Monday, April 12, 2010


It was one of those days that I was just dragging! I was definitely feeling the sleep deprivation that comes from getting 5 or fewer hours of sleep two nights in a row. I'm blaming it on Bridger and dark chocolate.

I decided that the best remedy was to put in an old Campion movie and take a nap. Not that I don't love Campion, but because I've seen them so many times and the script is so familiar, I thought it might lull me into slumber. Taking the laptop into the living room, I set it on a little stool next to the couch. 

Of course, wherever I go, there Misty and Bridger follow.
I did get a nice nap, and when I awakened, Misty was lying right beside the sofa. When I sat up, feeling more tired than when I had gone to take my nap, (Isn't it strange how that works!) Misty lay her head on the keyboard and was watching Campion. That was the funniest thing!!

Sorry the photo is so blurry, but the blinds had been closed in the room, so my camera was collecting as much light as possible after I hit the shutter button. Still thought it was worth seeing Misty watching Campion. :-) I think she likes Lugg.

P.S. Bridger seems no better, but no worse. I plan to talk to the vet today.


Heide at ApronHistory said...

Poor Dog!! Hope he gets better soon! We have had a few of those last minuete dashes to the vet's too. It is so hard to see them hurting. God bless the vet's that have to deal with us frazzled, half hysterical pet oweners!

What is better than an old familiar movie when one needs to be calmed or lulled to sleep? We usually go for a 1950s musical!

Angela said...

Aw, Misty, you're so cute! *pat, pat*

Deborah said...

Misty is sooo cute. I didn't know she liked movies. :) I hope you are able to sleep tonight.
I had to laugh at the spelling of owners...oweners...I am sure she meant to spell it that way too because when we leave the vet we are OWENERS. :D (and the vets becomes bankers, as a side line) tee hee Have a very nice evening my friend. My painting isn't done yet and I worked all day until my neck started screaming bloody murder. I guess more tomorrow. :(

Cranberry Morning said...

Quick update: Talked to the good vet this evening. He's thinking degenerative disc disease and put B. on a pretty strong anti-inflammatory.

I heard about Carrie. Hope she's doing okay. Isn't there just always something! with these pets of ours!

I gave Misty the two pats, Ang. She's resting her head on your lap and wanting more. :-)

Deb, maybe you need a day's break before putting your neck through that agony again!

Cranberry Morning said...

I think that next winter I'm going to make a point to watch a bunch of musicals. They're so much fun! Did you see the PBS show 'Broadway' I think it was. Snippets of so many musicals while telling the history of broadway. I loved it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

adorable, aren't dogs soooo much fun.


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